Who is responsible


Hello steemians,
Today I want to discuss rape. Rape is defined as sexual act performed by a man without permission from the victim, it is done forcefully.
Rape is a major issue now a days.
A lot of cases are reported on daily basis in country like India and Pakistan.A big number of cases go unreported. Recently in India a girl was raped by a gang in a bus. Later the culprits were hanged due to a strong public protest.A lot of rape cases in India go unreported.
While on the other hand Pakistan is also facing this issue.recently a man raped a little girl of about 8 years old ,the man killed the little girl after raping her. The police found out the man and present him in the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice of Pakistan punished him and hanged him . A lot of rape cases are reported monthly in Pakistan. But the rate of rape cases in Pakistan is less than in India.


We can control this shameful act by educating our people. Teachers should educate students about the issue.
There should be held weekly ceremonies to aware people about this matter.
Also parents can teach their children to avoid such a bad and shameful act.
We can also do it through social media .As rest of the world is using social media for useful purposes.
This is our duty to play our role to build a strong community where everyone can live a happy life.

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