Introduction! Vent!


Hello everyone!

I'm new to Creative Coin. Up until this point I haven't used Hive Engine or Steem Engine services. I was only using other Blockchains to write and Blog. Im also new to Blogging in general, so please comment and critic my writing. No matter how good or bad. Ill take it as constructive critizim.

The state of America seems to be in shambles. With this years election going so terrible. My opinion. We're facing the chance of everything changing. Weither it be for the good or the bad. Theres alot of talk on the decentralized web that we are facing something coming of biblical proportions.

I've been raised in a protestant home and I've always believed that there is a higher power above. But frankly, I'm scared that some of the signs for the coming Apocolypse. The first thought of the year was Trump being Satan reincarnated. As much as i dispise the man as a person. I think personally he has done a decent job as president. I just beleive that this goes much deeper.

In the begining of the virus. Rumors that Bill Gates and other top Billionaires in the world had been planning a virus outbreak and if not planning but actually having a plan for the outbreak. Digging deeper shows that Gates has a patent for the Covid-19 virus. Yes, I said that right. I don't have the info at hand but a simple web search will show the evidence. It's Crazy! Search Event 201.

Second, we find out that China and the US we're in conglomeration developing this Virus. Why? My guess is it was planned. If you think about it. My mind tells me it was their answer to over population of the world and the greenhouse effect. Along with other hidden agendas. Remember money makes the world go round. If you have enough you basically can do whatever you want. With that being said. While everyone else in the world struggles or leaders and elite decide just exactly how we should act and be governed.

I heard but never saw any formal articles that China was caught trying to smuggle the virus that WE were helping develop at a Harvard bio lab. Back to China. Really? OK readers, this virus attacks race in a way that it actually has very little effect on White nationals. I may be wrong but that's the way I see it. So is it perceivable that in retaliation to that act that our Leaders or just the one planned this.

Just a little background about myself. I'm a high school drop out. I've been an electrician for 21 years. Worked in construction all my life. I don't have much. lack of education certainly doesn't help my situation. But I find the older I get the more this interested in how the world works and is being governed.

What are your thoughts?

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