Angry TechNinjaPirateNerd (TNPN) RANT!

Angry TechNinjaPirateNerd (TNPN) RANT!

I've been sorta trying to take a step back from posting or replying to political posts on facebook. Like really really trying. It would really help my meditative process if my feed had more posts with comments, and statements that use logic, and follow up their ideas with empiracle evidence... or at least forethought.

I went as far as filtering some of the more obvious ones that were polarizing or just disrespectful out of my feed...

Some of these post pretend to be fact based. which after a quick google search is obviously either wrong, exaggerated, or ever worse! Purposely created with the intent to mislead.

So in advance I NEED TO APOLOGIZE!

Why, do you ask?

I apologize because, if I continue to see illogical, made up, or non-fact based unsupported claims.

I will indeed AWAKEN from my slumber and take the time to counter post at least once every single day. Nothing is safe! Fake news posts, comments, even an angry poke (does anyone poke anymore?) All of it.

Oh and if I see some racially divisive content trust me. I will be ALL OVER IT!

Do you know why I would take the time to do this. NOT because I have too much time on my hands (I'm a father, student, and a worker.), NOT because I'm angry, and NOT because I think I'm smarter than any of the scholars that enrich my feed with their thoughts every day.

Because I care about you. Your family, your future, your community.

Please at least research your posts a little bit... stop inciting each other just because its fun to melt the snow. have discussions with people on the other-side of the aisle with the intention to share and learn. Everyone thinks their opinion is right, but opinions can change over time and with experience. I'm generally always wrong about some thing or the other thing, but you know what? I fact check myself, I return to the person I was having a discussion with and say hey you were right about that thing we talked about. No one is perfect brah!

We build critical thinking skills in real life, and in school. If this is not the case then maybe our government should promote practical learning, and research. Maybe continued education should be more available in adulthood in pdf format maybe....

Don't you dare force me to run for public office. It would not be pretty, I'm weird and super shy in public. It just wouldn't work. can you imagine the mayor riding on an electric unicycle to a press briefing just to announce he would like to build a ebook file share library. A library consisting of a wireless file storage pylon which is updated daily and uses a secure handshake policy to automatically update your subscribed materials when you pass it. Who then rides off on the same electric unicycle before nodding to the camera as if he was just passing by. EW, just uncouth!

But if that is what it takes to make education a priority in this state, so that I can help ensure people are produced with critical thinking skills and just basic research practices. Then prepare yourselves... I will do it just to see a wall built on truths rather than a wall built on lies. (Facebook wall that is, I'm not talking about that other wall.....YET)

Most of you will not make it down here and if you did I apologize to you :D. You are awesome. Feel free to let me know how dumb my post was or how annoying. But please take this from me... Share a bit of yourself with people, and allow them to share themselves with you as well...

Heartjuice and E-Hugs

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