When did obesity become 'OK' or even encouraged?? I'm just going to start writing things on my mind, whether it's PC, acceptable, whatever i don't care anymore. Stay tuned there will be more!

While I don't condone fat/outfit shaming because I'm not the thinnest/fittest of people, I have to wonder when it became ok to let yourself go... I am in quite a few groups where women post things they've made and model them on themselves. These women are HUGE, not healthy thick at all but like, you look like you sit on your ass and do nothing all day. You mean to tell me you can't do 30 MINUTES of exercise a couple times a week?! And the commenters are encouraging this! "rock it girl", "smokin!".

Do these commenters REALLY believe this woman/person is "rocking it"? Or are they just trying to fit in with the masses so they don't get bashed for saying their real feelings, because no one has thick skin anymore and the world is full of fkn snowflakes!

Obesity is a HUGE problem. They're addicted to food....like a junky is addicted to heroin, an alcoholic to vodka....Sure i get some people have 'health issues' that make them gain weight or whatever (another cop out because they're eating shit food and sugar and they don't work out AT ALL!) If you saw a person shooting up, would you say "hey great job hitting that vein!" NO! You'd say something. Right?

Why does no one say anything and just make these people think it's ok to be obese? It's not OK! Sure it's a victimless "crime"and they're doing it to themselves, but seriously, I dont want that blasted in my face. Someone should tell them they should dress for their size, or they don't look healthy.

Yeah it's great to be confident and love the skin you're in...but let's be real, how can you possibly be comfortable when you're over 300 pounds? It's hard to find clothing. You need a seatbelt extender on the plane. You can't go on rides with your friends/kids/etc. There are weight limits people.

People need to stop encouraging obesity and making it "OK" to be enormous, or make it the new normal. It's not normal and it's not ok. Personally, it really bothers me when I see an obese person eat. It grosses me out and I don't care if it's a salad. You have a problem and need help, stop blaming genes already.

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