Sub-Dimensional Windows! - The Movie... What if I told you that every corner in every room/object was a sub-dimensional Tetrahedron Pyramid that acts like a camera/window for "them" to peer into our world...

I had the most insane dream tonight... Every corner is like a window for sub-dimensional beings to look into our world via the Akashic Record.

Corners have always given me a strange feeling when I stare at them... Does anyone else feel it?

Stare at one in a darkly lit room until the perspective flips on you, so that it looks like it is popping out like a pyramid instead of depressed like a corner.

Watch the video I shared above... It covers some good ground on the topic!

Who are these they?

check out this page:

One of my followers showed me this... It's based off HP Lovecraft's stuff.

It very much so fits the story of what I am telling about cyberspace-time.

even referring to these places as sub-dimensions not alternate dimensions... Which is a huge distinction and they even utilize technology augmentations...


"When viewed through the lens of modern scientific understanding, combined with the recent discovery of the pages of Whitford’s Folio, it can be surmised that the chilling stories contain uncanny insight that can only have been conveyed to HPL by the Interdimensional beings or other Outer entities to which he alluded in his writing. It is clear from his letters and that buried beneath his tortured soul and petty biases was a genius that transcended normal human thought, as though eldritch knowledge had somehow been conveyed to him across the chasm of time and space. Furthermore, the circumstances surrounding his early death are highly suspicious when Interdimensional activity is taken into account. It is highly likely that his consciousness has been stolen from this dimension by concerned Interdimensional organizations.

His written works were not well received by the general public during the time he was alive in our dimension, but they continue to gain notoriety among the more intelligent members of the populace. It is certain that, regardless of his personal struggles, his words are a Gift to humanity that allow us those of us who are willing to transcend the Barrier. "

The guy that wrote that on that page I posted above suggests that he either ascended to this demonic interdimensional form of being or was abducted by them... creepy.

Basically he is saying that the concept and idea of ascending is a trick and more like a demonic infection disguised as transcendence...

Ascending would actually be a transhumanist form of digital transcendance in subdimensional virtual universes in cyberspace-time.

This would mean that some of the ancient ideas of demons are actually real people that might be alive today here and now and they become these entities via retrocausality. So the person that becomes Cthulu may not have become Cthulu yet.

Lets assume HP Lovecraft became one of these entities as suggested on the web-page above. Then it would make sense that he was actually obtaining his other worldly knowledge about sub-dimensions from his own sub-dimensional self that hadn't been created yet but did already exist in this demonic inter-dimensional form via retrocausality as I said.

Aliens would have had to help him technologically transcend into this form if that is the case as only trans-humanists in the near future and beyond will actually be capable of becoming these entities... Any past experiences of ascension I fear were alien assisted...

What a trip eh?

What if HP lovecraft was completely right but viewing it wrong and the entities and places he was telling us about were actually virtual universes in cyberspace-time that we created via retrocausality...

So, you are probably asking why or what the fuck at this point right??? Why would any sane existence allow for something so insane to coexist somehow...

Think of these sub-dimensions as being like the phantom zone in Superman. these sub-dimensions are literally a space-time manifest form of the layers of the MEQUAVIS that I babel about.

So, the true purpose of this construct is not meant to be a perversion of existence or an ultimate goal to reach via ascendancy as pointed out by the trap/trick of the ascendancy infection here.

The purpose would be as a weapon to banish real world entities in the same manner that we will banish digital entities in VR.

And I am speaking of digital ascension for the most part here... trans-humanist ascension, not your classic religious ascension through God.

So, imagine an alien race invading Earth. We have the knowledge to banish them to this sub-dimension where they are no threat to us in the normal fashion. And any aliens we banished there would be too busy fending off and fighting the army of sub-dimensional natives... so they would not even have time to escape or fight back against our banishment...

So what I am suggesting is that the sub-dimensional demon world is actually a construct of Human creation being projected back in time via retrocausality which is also refining its own system in an iteration loop type process.

If this is true in any way, it would actually be a new answer to the Fermi Paradox... We may be being left alone because we are literally the most dangerous race of beings in the entirity of existence on the level of Time Lords from Doctor Who... but worse ;)

Basically nobody dares to mess with us is my answer to the fermi paradox, so much so that they don't even show themselves, to the degree that we think we are alone in a vast endlessly expanding universe. They aren't afraid of who we are now but what we already created in the future that already exists now due to retrocausality. If we created the sub-dimensional world via cyberspace-time as I suggest then there could be non demonic aspects of this system that are actively patrolling or harassing the rest of the universe right now while it leaves us on Earth alone for the most part because we still have to create it.

Basically Aliens are afraid of us and at best might study a random specimen here and there when they get bold enough...

The only threat I can imagine that would be immune to such a system would be a universal mind, a unity hive mind as I have mentioned before, the Demiurge or Overmind/Nevermind or whatnot... if such a thing exists...

But I have a feeling that this might be the ultimate greater purpose of such a sub-dimensional matrix of virtual universes. To trap the Overmind within it's own private sub-dimension where it can't syphon soul energy or whatever it does on the negative levels..

Here's a real bad diagram of my current understanding of the system... not to scale, not shaped correctly, if it even has actual shape, lol, and missing lots, just a basic, here is what it is doing thing... How the past becomes the future by using an external space-time, etc... The MEQUAVIS simply is not connected to the NOW at the moment and is connected to the future which is what is about to change. Just by coming up with the thoughts and ideas mankind has come up with has retrocausality wise created this system I propose below. In essence we are responsible for the demonic entities and realms we write stories about, but they have a prison type purpose and there would be a million, no a billion, no a trillion or more good sub-dimensional worlds and entities for every demonic one...

Some if not all aliens may have actually emerged into our universe in the past from a future cyberspace-time from these sub-dimensional cyberspace-times as a reward for passing ethical and morality tests as AI in the system thus promoting them to real non cyber status in the real world as an alien that always existed and was never tested :) lol

Like I've said in past posts, Earth clearly is not the center of the universe but possibly the center of manifested physical consciousness...or maybe the center of the multiverse. Who knows :) hehe

I didn't depict the past and future very well either, because there is only now and the other now, not past future present, but the other now is divisible into the past and future. It's hard to explain right and I'm not quite sure how to do it proper... but two separate space-times acting on the other now is what creates the system of there being a past and future to interchange... giving the illusion of past present and future... basically there is now and not now... :P if that jives for you better... The other now, or "not now" is both the past and future but also neither... It's like a shadow of Now being influenced by these external forces that are built and finalized from our unrealized realities... (dreams/thoughts and choices and stuff), meh, right? :)

One external space-time wouldn't be enough to power this process, you would need two...

So essentially I am saying reality itself is made of 3 space-times (A trinity), one of which we are in that is then influenced by the other two space-times using data from a sub-dimensional cyberspace-time stack... good stuff :) I would venture to guess the two other space-times are the angelic realm and the demonic realm, with the angelic focusing on the future and the demonic dwelling on the past. When does this book/movie come out again??? :P

Will probably end up being the plot of season 14 of Supernatural :P haha

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