🚨 What's wrong with this picture??? RANT ALERT 🚨


Any guesses?? 🙋🏻🤷🏻‍♀️🙋🏻


Why am I the ONLY person in my house to see this?

I've been at the hospital ALL day being poked and prodded and I come home to a messy ass kitchen, food sitting out, and recycling just piling up. Of course, when I ask this question I'm given the answer " I didn't SEE it!"

I'M DONE! Guess what we all grown in this house! Ain't nobody under the age of 18 anymore so y'all know what i don't SEE the laundry, I don't SEE people getting hungry, I don't SEE the house getting dirty (now this one will be hard for me so not sure how long I can go on strike for that one) I don't SEE me doing a damn thing for the next week 😏

Except for Charlie, he's an angel 😇, momma gonna take care of you baby boy:
sent straight from heaven

Seriously, Moms I know y'all feel me on this! It gets so aggravating especially when these are "adults"! They know better. If it's full change the bag! ESPECIALLY WHEN MOM IS SICK!!!! I had to change the bag by the way

Rant over, sorry for the language, thanks for reading!


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