Oh noes the maff

I hope nobody interprets this post as some sort of anti-bidbot rant, because I've always been a proponent of choice. That is, if there is a demand for a product, then the ground is fertile for Entrepreneurship. Yes, there are things we may not like, personal ideologies we adhere to, but it's also important to recognize people's freedom of choice, which of course, is not the same as freedom of consequence, although those get conflated quite often.

However, the point I wanted to make on this short little rant is the following. People need to learn some math, they really do. I see so many people with these "tactics" for growing that to be honest, make me cringe a little bit. I mean, these poorly written posts, sometimes one picture, sometimes even plagiarized, all promoted with magical internet money, no interaction, no value, nothing.

I've asked, because I've been curious more than once, what the plan is, and you would be surprised or maybe not so much to hear the responses. Things like "It doesn't matter, its how you make money here..""How else do you increase your steem power?", "I can double my account in month like this!". That last one, which I heard just a few days ago, made me accept, maybe once and for all, that most don't understand the numbers at all.

You might be thinking right now, "Oh no, @meno's gone rogue", but that's not it, not really. I'm not upset, I'm not really bothered per say, I'm just baffled, because that is the only word that fits.

The low effort/promotion abusers can continue doing their thing, throwing money down the drain and I won't try to help them anymore. Why? What for? After I show them the math, they just tell me I'm wrong anyways.

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