Do Not Pet

I took my dog to store because I wanted something we walked there and I was in the store bubba was acting fine some lady and her kid tried to pet bubba the mom was first and I said do not pet my dog his vest even says do not pet the mother scoffed and kept walking the kid reached and grabbed bubbas head bubba reacted to that and bit the kid the mother started screaming at me for "having a dog like him" in the store even though he's never had any issues the mother was also strung out on drugs during this whole interaction the assistant manager came out started yelling at me while the mom was yelling at me bubba layd back down on the ground as he was doing before the kid grabbed his head the mother was screaming saying that bubba needed to be put down and if animal control didn't she would do it herself and shoot my dog i was trying to walk out of the store to call my mom because the store has no service I try to leave but the mom steps infront of me and tye emplpyyes tell me i cant leave i started calling my mom because i was scared the police were called the mom didnt want to call the police probably because of how many drugs she was on but the store was required to ems showed up the kid had a scrape while the mother is screaming saying that the kid was gonna need stitches when my mom showed up I was being integrated by the police while having a panic attack and they wouldn't leave me alone we now have to quarantine bubba because he bit someone and when i was talking to the momni was saying that his vest even says do not pet
But she was still screaming at me because her kid is 8 so I was telling her than her kid should know better than grabbing random dogs heads and my dog has never had an issue with people touching or petting him until this kid he usually has a really good temperament and she was also screaming saying her kid can't read but at 8 you should know how to read DO NOT PET it's in big bold letters white letters back background like he should have been able to read that but even as her kid started reaching for bubba I said do not pet him but he still kept reaching for him
The lady left before the cop could get any of her information or give her the report number.

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