Has anyone managed to recover from NotPetya, ransomware attack by paying 300$ of Bitcoin?

I am wondeing if anyone managed to recover the data from the virus.
Please give me a comment if you did and how.

I am sharing the comment by Nighter3D about ransonware article on CCN (Cryptocoinnews).

Also NotPetya is a WIPER VIRUS, NOT a RANSOMWARE!!!!

Serious. The ones who wrote the Virus did NOT create a actual ransomware. It is a FAKE. It simply overwrites the files. The "Key" it generates for it's victims is not an actual Key the hackers can create a decryption key from. It literally is a String of gibberish created by a Random number generator while the program just DESTROYS the drive meta data, NOT encrypt it.

This is a virus designed to just cause havoc under the guise of Petya ransomware. In reality it is just a Wiper Virus. It permanently destroys data with NO chance to ever be recovered. This is not a "Unlikely" or because the mail is removed. It was NEVER possible to be reversed. The Ransom note itself is just a HOAX. Something designed to grab attention cause ransomware get's headlines and itself is just 100% fake. With a email certain to be blocked and a fake key.

Even the Ransomware bitcoin address is showing no activity despite multiple days of ransom while most ransomware btc addresses are either unique per victim or at least emptied every day or so. Don't be surprised if that itself was just a random address where all those coins will just remain till the end of Bitcoin. Forever taunting the fools who fell for it and still keep sending money with false hope of getting their data back (which they won't).

This is not wild speculation. This is all confirmed by security labs all over the world including Kasperksy who have reverse engineered Petya a while ago (4days).

That is the end of the comment.

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