Back in Black

Sooooooo,'s been a while...

At any rate, I'm bringing my account back from the dead with a new purpose, much broader in scope, and much more direct in intent. What's that? Well... bringing to you what I think are important things for the modern day human to consider. I write. Maybe people read. Maybe they share with their friends...?

Very interesting ideas to come, so stay tuned.

In the mean time, I fucked up my back recently, so I'm spending the afternoon in a hot medicated bath.


Zero fucks given today.

My medicated bath recipe for achy back, hips, knees, etc.:

1 very big bath tub
Lots and lots (that's an official increment of measurement, fuck off) of very hot water
2-4 Cups Epsom salt
2 Cups baking soda
2 Cups Himalayan rock salt
20-40 drops essential oil of peppermint*
2-4 TBSP Bengay Ultra Strength analgesic cream.*

*Those last two really depend on your sensitivity to them, but they make the bath smell and feel great.

Tip: If your tub has an overflow drain, then leave the hot water on at just a trickle after you fill the tub to keep it hot for hours.

I guarantee you though that if you ever find yourself with a relentless muscle ache, you'll feel like new after soaking in a bath like this. If you're like me and hate to just sit, you can always set up an office like mine. ;)

Now I've got to get back to improving my VPN connection manager bash script.

I promise I'll start writing again soon. Till then, take care of yourselves.

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