Check Please

I was going to make the title "checking in"but really that is not snazzy even for a hit and run.


Pretty shit week in DeFi nation, crypto in general but for the $ value drop I am not really all that concerned since it mostly is cosmetic right now as I ain't selling...

I am though contemplating how best to keep earning max crypto in some shape or another. You would think I would post more...

We have been over that so move on already.

That Trevon James twat finally will be getting his dues, and I think there are quite a few more that should like every politician in the world. We can finally have our execution Saturdays gameshow then.

Supposedly Hive is getting fucked again, I mean hardforked, that should provide enough ladeeda content for most, let the milking commence.

I hate the word influencer, it gives dumb cunts power. I am not a fan of any words that give people power like President, Mother, Father. I think the more someone is regarded in the public sphere the more a person should only use things that will remind the sheep to check where they are going.

I guess Mom, Dad crap is fine if they are your things. So that was a bad example, but Influencer should be changed to Pervert or Fecalsmear...

Obviously, some are still good but it is a general rule and anyway sure no one that has good intentions will mind being called a piece of shit everyday...

I grew up fine.

A lot of room for improvement. Most opinions, especially the off the cuff ones have a lot of room for improvement.

I like taking note of people who get hurt by things others say. I tend to then put those people in the avoid at all costs bin because no one needs that kind of drama.

Ok, I lie. I follow them on twitter for some entertaining reading when bored.

Not just butthurt snowflakes but also racebaiting, genderteasing, planetlicking dipshits. Not to mention the confuckulated countries who have the persona of a thick blonde inbred with an extra arsehole for his uncle to join in.

So basically all countries, and the fun thing is each of them is no better than teaching a toddler physics and it repeats the one word it recalls. Nuke.

That all starts with influencers, and they breed and the things that like them more than anyone else also breed and that gives you what we have. Stupid shit all the time.

I hope the sun implodes.

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