Guy With a History of Making Antisemitic Statements: Roger Waters is no Antisemite

In case you hadn't heard, the municipality of Frankfurt last week announced it is canceling Roger Waters' upcoming show, citing his alleged status as "one of the world's most well-known antisemites."

Naturally, Waters is not happy about it, and he has even retweeted a friend of his to provide a "character reference."

Firstly, the non-Jewish Ramzy Baroud should not lecture Jews about what to find antisemitic and what not to find antisemitic. He is also completely wrong about "Zionism", which is not merely a modern political invention but is integral to Judaism.

In fact, Ramzy Baroud should not be lecturing anyone about antisemitism, given he has been guilty of perpetuating it himself. Like this tweet playing into the antisemitic trope of Jewish power controlling governments:

this tweet playing in to the antisemitic trope of Jewish influence over Hollywood and the media:

and this tweet comparing us to the Nazis:

Besides, I have so many receipts of Waters' actual antisemitism, the flying pig is the least of it.

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