Half-Staff Pole Quilt Faff

When I got to the library today, I noticed the flag was flown at half-staff. Apparently this is in honor of the recent death of Queen Elizabeth II. Now, I am not a fan of flags. As a Christian, my Kingdom is not of this world. As an anarchist, I reject the claims to political authority these national flags represent. But I still wonder why we have this yo-yo effect of flag positions these past several years in general, and I especially wonder why we're honoring the death of a successor to King George III, the guy from whom the 13 American colonies declared independence, in particular.

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I know of late the US and UK have been allies. This dates back to World War I, but the British were deeply involved in skewing the information Americans could access, and outright lied to the press about nonexistent atrocities to gin up public support for the Entente powers. When the lying, thieving bastard Woodrow Wilson sent America into the war after he had just campaigned for reelection on keeping us neutral, it meant turning a blind eye to the British blockades and sea lane mining that starved Germany, and would continue to do so even after the armistice until the Krauts signed a peace where they admitted guilt in starting the war.

This debacle on top of the looming boom/bust business cycle of central banking credit expansion and money supply inflation that went especially bad for the Weimar Republic and its hyperinflation on top of lingering war debt, which helped set the stage for the rise of ultra-nationalist asshat Adolf Hitler and the start of World War II: Electric Boogaloo. Of course, that bloodbath further split the world into Cold War alliances and proxy wars while also setting the stage for the rise of radical Islamic terrorism when the US and UK staged a coup to overthrow Iran's government for oil corporation profiteering.

All of this is to say, down with the Crown, and burn flags instead of flying them at half-staff. Well, maybe don't burn flags. There's plenty of smoke right now with all the forest fires, and burning synthetic fabric is nasty regardless.

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