trying to brain to keys, but fk its a struggle daily

#ngl #tihummf #johnny-mnemonic
i shit you not, i wish i could send you all a letter.
so much is 'lost in translation'

we all have the 'disease from the movie johnny mnemonic'
insert soundbyte here of ice tea "its the screen time maaannn!"

i queried a friend, after he 'why yt algo so derp'
ngl, he spoke much better english than that, but i do a lot of paraphrasing
(K.I.S.S.) if u are familiar - keep it simple stupid. as they say

but then i started talking to a foreign person an, as we in oz (in education system when study,)
LoTE - basically those with english as non-primary language
sorry, i digressed ... re: yt algo ...
me - when did your
it could be an mp3 player, a book, a piano for making new music
STOP being those things? - how do u not, with data speeds faster PER SECOND than my first computers 'new hardware upgrade - a new maxto 2gb?numbers may have varied, but i think they had weird sizes due to platter size ((think records, the 36's and the 52's)(these are not facts disclaimer here) and were, like 17.6gb as opposed to 'metric' ( whic /1024 divide by factor (be it meg gig terra jigga is actually not 'true size'

dude, look at the digression of einsteinium with akeystrokelife of 1 100billionths XD

pony out, too much digression

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