mahe ramadan

We know a lot about the Virtues of Ramadan in the month of Ramadan, to inform all the Muslims of the world,



namely, all the Muslim Ummah, on behalf of my side, a month of Ramadan means it is equivalent to performing one year full year.

The Messenger of Allâh sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam said that if a person who uses this month can not forgive all his sins, then he should be a big misfortune. All of us will ask forgiveness more to Allah this month,

for our good and we will ask Allah more to guide us.The great scholars said that during this month the Qur'an was revealed in the importance and importance of this month, and the importance of the month to carry the verse of the Quran and Surah to the Prophet (PBUH),

Shab-e-Qadr's night is said in this month: The person who performs the night of the grave in the night of the night, should complete his life by doing his life.

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