Ramadan Rituals #01

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Ramadan is the holy month for Muslims. We can learn a lot from this month. We exercise self-control which helps us to do better in rest of the month of a year. We need to change our many rituals in this month. Though it can vary culture to culture, most of the rituals are same around the world. Today I will write about the study rituals of Ramadan.

In this month we read the holy book "Al Quran" and most of us try to complete the holy book within this holy month to get extra rewards from Allah Subahana-Taalah. People around the world read the holy book, try to teach other the meaning of Al Quran and inspire people to read this holy book. Most of the young and teenager read Islamic book, Islamic history, Islamic Story it helps them to know a lot about Islam and its history.

Now I want to share my own experience, I love to read "Al Quran" after Suhoor and then after waking up I read some Islamic non-fiction book which I bought recently. I love to read these books. I can know the real history and the real meaning of Islam which actually Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) tried to teach us and Allah subhan-taalh tried to direct us.

Hopefully this month's rituals will help me to build a nice ritual of reading books. I will share another ritual on another day. Until then stay fine. Stay healthy.

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