The uniqueness of Ramadan in Indonesia

Christians have Christmas, Hindus have Nyepi, Buddhism has Vesak Day, and Islam has Eid. Yes, this time I will discuss about the Muslim holiday, namely Eid al-Fitr in the month of Ramadan (Ramadan is the name of the month according to the Islamic or Hijri calendar).
But this time I will only discuss the holiday in one specific country, which is in Indonesia.


Indonesia is known as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world with a population of 273.8 million people (12/30/2021) and 86.9% or 237.53 million people are muslim.

Before entering the Eid al-Ftri, all Muslims around the world, including Indonesia, will fast, generally for 30 days from the 1st of Ramadan to the 30th of Ramadan. Where Muslims are not only required to be able to withstand hunger and thirst but are also required to hold back their lusts as humans such as holding back anger, restraining sexual desire, not being able to lie, cheating and so on.

Generally, fasting is carried out for 14 hours from 4 am to 6 pm, once entering 6 pm (maghrib) it is required to break the fast (commonly called breaking the fast) which has been done by consuming food/drinks. And during these 10 hours Muslims are allowed to consume any food/drink until 4 am. The cycle is carried out for 29-30 days.

However, Ramadan fasting in Indonesia is accompanied by several unique features that can only be found during the month of Ramadan and of course only in Indonesia.


Ngabuburit means relaxing waiting for the afternoon. The term ngabuburit usually refers to the waiting time for Muslims to break their fast.
Usually ngabuburit is done with a variety of activities ranging from visiting tourist attractions, hunting takjil (takjil is a general term for a snack eaten shortly after breaking the fast), reading the Qur'an, listening to lectures to relaxing with family or friends. This tradition aims to divert thirst and hunger when fasting with a variety of positive activities.


2. BUKBER or Break Fast Together

Bukber or breaking fast together is also one of the things that only exists in Indonesia during Ramadan. Generally, the term bukber is often used by young people who want to break their fast together with friends.
Breaking together is also often used as a reunion with old friends to establish friendship after not seeing each other for a long time.



Hunting for snacks before breaking the fast is one of the unique things that only exists in Indonesia. A variety of refreshing food and drink menus will be easy to find when visiting this takjil market.
Some of the menus commonly available at the takjil market include pastries, cakes, fried foods and heavy meals. Not only that, there are even some food and drinks that are only available when ramadan arrives. The takjil market is usually open from 3 pm until it is time to break the fast.



Homecoming is a habit for people who are overseas to return to their hometowns, especially during the month of Ramadan. The term homecoming itself is often associated with the Javanese language, namely "mulih dilik" which means to go home for a while.
Homecoming is also often the subject of discussion in Indonesia at the end of Ramadan or before Eid. This moment is used for Muslims to meet and stay in touch with relatives in their hometown.


I present this story to share with hivers about the unique privileges of Ramadan, especially in Indonesia. See you in another story.



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