The Virtues of Ramadan, Tasks and Exclusions

The Virtues of Ramadan, Tasks and Exclusions

When the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) had gone to preach the dias, the Tayphas killed the stone and made Omna bloody. The Prophet (peace be upon him) gathered the two-storey house and asked permission to destroy the Ta'ifs. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, "O Allah, give them guidance." And once the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Ramadan can not forgive his sins even after getting the month, be destroyed." The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "Ameen". The disbelievers who did not curse them, but the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) cursed for the Muslims. Why is that? Let's understand the matter with one example- Think of how much 5 + 5 you have a 15,16-year-old boy, if you can not, you must be surprised and rebuked, because of not having an easy add-on. It is such a merit in the month of Ramadan and Allah has so infinite mercy that even if someone can not forgive his sin, then he is also capable of rebuking, as a capable 15, 16 year old boy 5 + 5 . Hadrat Mujadded al-Pakani (R :) said in his Mkatubaba, "The mercy of the month of Ramadan, the mercy of the other months compared to the mercy which was revealed in the month of Ramadan; For this reason all the books of the heavens were revealed in the month of Ramadan. If you make any nifty this month, it is equal to the reward of the obligor, and if you make a compulsory 70 times reward. Before the Muttakaq, while praising another person, one of the people said, that person has got so many Ramadan in his life, this is his acceptance of evidence, Sobhanallah. Hadith came to Sharif, Rasulullah would pray, "O Allah, bless us for the month of Rajab and Sha'aban and deliver us to Ramadan." How blessed is this month that the Messenger of Allah would pray for it. Subhan Allah Allaah said in Qoraan Curima -

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمُ الصِّيَامُ كَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى الَّذِينَ مِن قَبْلِكُمْ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ

 ### O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you, as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain piety.

(Surah Al-Baqarah: 183)
In the above verse Allah Ta'ala said, fasting has been prescribed for this reason so that we may be pious, godfearing. And to be pious, you have to give up your sin first, and then do more good deeds.

Elimination of sins

The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, "Many people do not get anything except hungry and thirsty by fasting." In another Hadith Sharif says, "There is no need to leave the food and drinking of Allah, who can not leave the wrong talk and sin. That is, his fasting is not acceptable. Sahih al-Bukhari (vol. 3, hadith: 127) will have to live from all kinds of sins. There is another sinful sin in this. One incident of pride was mentioned below: Surviving the ghibat: Two women kept fasting during the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him). They had so much trouble in fasting that they were facing death. When he was informed by the Prophet (peace be upon him), he asked them to make them cool. When they were cool, they got out of small pieces of white pieces. They were surprised and said, "We did not eat any food." The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "You have roamed for someone else." And ghibat holo eat the dead brother's body. At present, we feel that if we are silent we will be rewarded and we talk about ghibata. Many people do not think it is a crime. From the ordinary Muslim to the scholars, this sin is involved. There is another horrifying aspect in Gibay, the person you are talking about, his sins will come to your bureaucracy and your goodies will go to his bureaucracy. How much is our work, then if good deeds go away then Afsos is the issue. Hazrat Sheikh Shadi (R :) used to perform Tahajjud prayers with his father. One day he told his father that the others of Abba Bashar were not praying Tahajjud. His father said, "They are better than you, if you do not go to sleep as you like." When Sheikh Shadi (R :) asked the reason, he said "they are asleep, but no one is beating someone who you are doing". It is astonishing to wonder, how much they were careful. Today we think of doing good work and forbidding evil deeds. Which is the devil's dilemma.

Earning virtue

We spend all the year on our behalf, not spending a month or so for Allah. Women can cook sahari, iftar and always cook food for men, they can work in the office to make crops. In this, our work will be accomplished and we will also get rewarded. At the beginning of the work, Bismillah said, the whole thing would be counted among the reward.

The deeds of the righteous

Let us see how earlier the pious people used to spend their lives. Imam Abu Yusuf (rah) was the chief justice, but he used to perform 200 rakat nafl prayers daily. Imam Abu Hanifa (R :): One anniversary of the day in the month of Ramadan, one hour in Tahajjud at night and three anniversary of Tarabeet meaning 63 times during the month of Ramadan the Qur'an was annihilated. Hadrat Ali Quraishi (R :) used to go to the field and used to speak jici. In this way, he used to do Jikir 70 thousand times a day. The only regret that the believers would have on the day was with regard to one thing, except for the time that has passed except for Jikira. Alma Sharani (R :) said, we have seen such virtuous people who are laughing in the month of fasting Avoid yourself from


Remember, the mosque is easy to build outside, but it is very difficult to build a mosque in the heart. For this reason, even after so many mosques in the alley, our hearts are not as sacred as the mosque, but there is always talk of greed, conflict and conflict. Do not neglect a moment. It may be that I am involved in laughter and sin, and I have come to the shop of my clothes. Before people pray to my funeral, let's start reading our prayers. Let's do this in Ramadan. Allaah will give us the taufiq to do our deeds. Amin References: 1 Seeratul Awlia - Alamah Wahhab Sharani (R :) Khulbate Zulfikar - Maulana Zulfikar Ahmad (Photos: 3) Mkatubat Sharif-Mujadded Al-Pakani (RA) 4. Sahih al-Bukhari 5. Fasting Articles - Imam Ghazali (r :)

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