Raise children's institutional eligibility


If you want to see the child succeed, send him to play and not keep in the house. Because the physical strength of the physically strong child is more likely to be institutional.

And this result has been found in a recent study.

Physical wellness, particularly cardiovascular health and muscular healing, increases the movement of motion in the gray part of their brain.

Through the report published in The Journal of Neuroimage, researchers said that the growth of gray areas in different parts of the brain helps in the teaching, functioning and study of children.

The University of Grenada, Spain's researcher Francisco B. Oortega said, "Our goal is to answer the question that whether physically healthy children are brain and physically weak children's brain, and whether it affects their academic work. "

Oortega further said "its answer is very small and powerful - 'Yes' physical health of the child is directly related to its structural differences in the brain, and this difference also affects the institutional functioning of the child."

Researchers review 101 organizations of obese children from eight to 11 years on the basis of the presence of gray matter in the brain.

It is seen in the results, those whose heart condition is related to the gray part of the brain, especially in the front of the brain.

However, the fitness of the muscles is not associated with any particular part of the brain.

Researchers found that "physical fitness is such a thing that can be done through physical learning and the development of brain development and stereotyping of children through aerobic and dynamic bodybuilding can be improved.

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