Rain, flower, photo, & Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Ap F1.9 SS 1/266 s ISO 40 Focal Length 4.30 mm - I found where the settings are on my Galaxy S6. I can even make changes in settings if I want

The thing I don't like is you are stuck with a live view. What I love is my phone is usually with me so I can share the beauty around me every day.

We have gotten so much rain the last couple of days. This is during a walk today with a friend. The rain was dripping off of everything.

Quote by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The best thing one can do when it is raining is let it rain.

I like that quote because it applies to life in so many ways. I am always happy when the rainbow appears. Give it the time it will.

I will visit everyone tomorrow.


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