Some Facts About Rain That You Didn ’ t Know

1 . Shape:

Rain actually doesn ’ t look like teardrops as most of us thought . Rain drops look more like very ting hamburgers – spherical , round. The tiniest rain drops are called Cloud droplets , and are round , while big rain drops are shaped like parachutes . The greatest raindrops on Earth were recorded in Brazil and the Marshall Islands in 2004 , some of them as huge as 10 mm.

2 . Speed :

“ Ouch! That hurts ” Yes ! Raindrops may pelt down hard sometimes because rain varies in speed . The maximum speed of a falling raindrop can vary from 17 to 21 miles per hour .

3 . Other Planets Have Rain :

Rainfall happens on other planets of the solar system too , even though it is different from the rain we encounter here on Earth . There it might be made out of methane , neon , sulfur or even iron rather than water .

4 . Rain is not always water :

If it rains in the desert , you may not get wet . This is called Phantom Rain , because it is difficult to tell whether it rained or not, as the droplets evaporate under the influence of hot air.

5 . What’ s that smell?

As a matter of fact, rainfall has no smell. When it rains , a substance called Geosmin consolidates with plant oils which are released from the soil to give it a natural fragrance and that smell that lingers afterwards is called Petrichor .
You’ re welcome .
Stay warm and dry .

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