More work on the raised bed for my railroad, part 3

Hello, steemians, and welcome to my page, eh!

This is the continuation of a project that I started back in June to replace two of the fence posts that are part of the wood fence between our yard and the neighbor's yard. I had built this raised bed right up against the fence posts and the 4 X 4s held up well but the landscape timbers did not. The raised bed was pushing them out of place and they were starting to deteriorate at ground level. In order to replace those 2 posts, I had to basically take the raised bed apart, replace the posts with 4X 4s, and rebuild the raised bed. I worked on the project until early July when the weather got hot and humid. I pretty much let the project sit after that until a couple of weeks ago with the cooler and less humid weather.
If you would like to read the other posts about this project, here are the links.

At the end of the last post I made about this project in July, I was getting ready to replace the second bad post on the fence.

At that point I had gotten most of the ballast gravel removed from the weed barrier so that I could remove it and dig out that part of the raised bed to replace the landscape timber post with a 4 X 4.

For some unknown reason, I forgot to take any pictures of replacing the post at the time that I did it. The next pictures that I have are from the end of August when I started on the project again.
After replacing the post, I started rebuilding the raised bed sections, using new boards for the raised bed. The condition of the old boards was not all that good so it seemed like a good idea to just replace them.

The next thing to do with this section of the bed was to brace it internally so that the fill dirt won't push it out between the posts, and also so that it won't put pressure on the fence posts from the fill dirt.

Then it was on to the next section.

After this, we got another week of rain mixed with hot humid weather that delayed the project some more. I finally got back to the project this week and continued working on getting the raised bed put back together. After getting all the boards up on the fence side of the last raised bed section, I put in the braces for that section also.


Then began the work of filling the raised bed back in. I left the one board off of the side of the raised bed to make it easier to dump the wheelbarrow into that section of the bed. Then it was just a matter of moving the fill dirt to where it needed to go. I worked on hauling fill for the bed for the past 2 days, not wanting to do too much each day so that I would be able to get out of bed the next day. I have learned the hard way not to over do it anymore.
This is the point that I got to today. It still needs more fill.

I'm going to fill the raised bed up to the point where the internal braces are just covered, and then I'll put the weed barrier back on top of the fill. Then I can start putting the ballast gravel back in on top of the weed block. Then I'll be able to put my track sections back on the gravel and finish up the job. I'm not sure how long that's going to take, but I hope to have it done some time in the next week or 2.

Well, that's all I have for this post, I hope you found it interesting!

Thanks for stopping by and reading my post, eh!

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