Under construction rail way road

South Asia Nepal is the one developing country .
China plans rail tunnel UNDERNEATH Mount Everest which would link the country with Nepal IMG_3499.PNG
This mountain is the world biggest mountain in the world .(Mount Everest sagarmatha)
Nepal and Tibet in China are neighbors bordering each other, both famous for the beautiful natural sceneries and profound Buddhism culture. However, blocked by the high Himalayas Mountains, the two can only "hear" from each other, rather than "paying" a visit frequently. Thus, China - Nepal Railway Line emerges as the time requires. It will make the trip from Nepal to China by train and vice versa possible for both Buddhists and tourists.

It will start from Shigatse in Tibet to Katmandu, Nepal's capital city. The designed top speed will only be 75mi/h (120km/h) at most, because of the remarkable elevation changes and challenging Himalayan terrain. Going through Tibetan Plateau, it will be the world's highest rail road, another miracle after Tibet railway which is the first railroad built on that plateau.
China-Nepal Railway Map
China-Nepal Railway Map

China - Nepal Train Running Route
Nepal - China Railway Project will go via Gyirong Pass, rather than the rumored Zhangmu Pass to avoid the Mount Everest. It is planned to be built in two phases.

Shigatse-Gyirong Railway: It is an extension of Lhasa-Shigatse Railway, measuring about 336 miles (540 km). It has been put into construction, and is expected to be completed by 2020.

Gyirong - Katmandu Railway: Because this rail line will be more likely to go through Himalayas, a long tunnel needs to be dug. This will be an arduous work and many difficulties remain to be overcome. The construction is scheduled to begin in 2020 and is expected to be done by 2022.

What Benefits China - Nepal Rail Link Will Bring
Firstly, it will contribute a lot to the tourism industry of both countries, especially Nepal. China is the second largest group of inbound tourists to Nepal. However, the expensive flight tickets and time-consuming and dangerous international coaches stop the feet of many travelers. Once the railroad is put into operation, a quick transfer by Tibet to Katmandu train will be possible and it will be much safer and cheaper. This will also greatly promote the Buddhism exchanges between the two countries.

Also, there is no doubt that the international trade between the two countries will be greatly increased. Currently, only two roads and a few flight are connecting the two countries, which cannot meet the transportation demands at all.

Lastly, except the Indian transportation line, Nepal will have another line to get what they need such as oil from China through Lhasa - Katmandu Railway.

As the first international railway linking China and Nepal, the China Nepal Raiway attracts much attention since its possibility released. Travelling between Lhasa and Kathmandu by trains will come true in future.
Chinese Name: 中国-尼泊尔铁路(中尼铁路)
Starting Point/Terminal: Lhasa –Kathmandu
Designed Operating Speed: 120-160 km/h
Straight Line Distance: 540 kilometers (336miles)-only for Shigatse Gyirong section
Progress:Currently is in the preparation stage
Status: the first international railway links China and Nepal

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