X-ray technology explained in 2 minutes

Have you ever gone to the doctor and wondered how x-rays work? Here's a brief breakdown: X-rays are created by firing electrons at a tungsten target, and the after effect of this interaction forms x-rays. Pretty simple right? There's a lot more to the actual control of the x-rays than this, but this is the basic formation. There are actually 2 key functions to achieving the proper x-ray exposure, these are actually electrical terms: KVP (Kilovoltage peak) and MAS (Milliamperage seconds). To put it in simple terms KVP is how much the x-rays penetrate an area and MAS is how long you will actually expose the area. That's it, you now know the basic fundamentals of how a basic medical x-ray image is formed I've been the field of Radiology for 34 years, and will be sharing my inside perspective in the field of Medical Imaging.

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