What is like growing up in America as an African America?

A lot of the time people only see what the media allows them to see about the institutionalized racism in America. I personally like to call that the tourist view. The view you see when you are looking from the outside--- in. I am going to give you the run down of what it is really like from what I like to call a local view. A view you can only get from living it.

Growing up in America as an African American is like......knowing that you live in a country that oppressed your people for years and is ran by whites.

Growing up in America as an African American is like......knowing you have to work 10x as hard as your white peers just to receive the same grade.

Growing up in America as an African American is like......knowing life is going to be harder for you in every way possible.

Growing up in America as an African American is like.....being afraid of police even though they are supposed to protect you.

Growing up in America as an African American is like......questioning the way you put your keys in your pocket because the police might mistaken it for a weapon and kill you.

Growing up in America as an African American is like......sometimes being afraid of your own people because the media is starting to brainwash you too.

Growing up in America as an African American is like......listening to people call your people dramatic because we are fighting for equality.

Growing up in America as an African American is like.....being scared because you never know when you could be targeted for anything.

Growing up in America as an African American is like.....keeping your hair straight all the time because your natural hair makes you feel embarrassed.

Growing up in America as an African American is like......seeing all the worlds problems be blamed on your race.

This list could go on and on...growing up in America as an African American has its perks and down falls. You learn to count your blessings and push through life without making any mistakes. One mistake in America as an African American could cost you your life.



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