"Africa belongs to the people of Africa!"

"Asia belongs to the people of Asia!"

"South America belongs to the people of South America!"

"Central America belongs to the people of Central America!"

"Israel belongs to the people of Israel!"

"Europe and North America belong to everyone!"

You know, because of colonialism, the Holocaust, and white privilege.

Original sin, in other words.

Huge shout out to the public schools, the universities and the media for driving it down our throats for fifty years that white people are apparently the only people in the world who have excluded themselves from ever having their own cultures and communities by being responsible for the alleged sins of their dead forebears.

This isn't entirely unlike the bloodguilt that is said to have been assumed of the Jewish people for the killing of Jesus Christ. Someone remind me... How did that end for them? Driven out of every country ever, wasn't it?

But hey, what do I know?

After all, I'm just a white male.


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