Homesteading Qurator 2018


Sometimes You Just Have To Fix The Barn!

To do a job well one must have a passion for the job. Those without passion might perform adequately but those with passion will love their work and it will show. But passion alone isn’t sufficient. One must have the requisite skills too.

So, What About Passion for Homesteading AND Steemit?

Growing up on a farm and I learned that it’s better to work with creation rather than against it. Most of society today is working against creation or nature. Yes, it may appear that we have forced nature into submission but I believe that a day of reckoning will come. Those who have invested the time to learn how to work with nature just might survive that day. For this I am passionate.

I also had a successful career in Information Technology so I understand open source, block-chains, and others in that ilk. So the potential of Steemit is not hidden from me. To realize the potential of this platform I am also passionate.

What Skills Make a Curator?

The requisite skills include the following:

  • One should know and command the English language.
  • One should know the subject matter, not merely know about it. A subject matter expert is desirable.
  • One should have a heart to help others and the community

Additional skills would be:

  • The ability to encourage authors with a hope to raise the standards.
  • The ability to engage the homesteading community to learn beyond the obvious texts and marketing brochure spin; to lead them to explore the wisdom from experience.
  • The ability to go beyond the boundaries of the homesteading community and cross-pollinate with ideas from various sectors. The early homesteaders were also pioneers not just somebody squatting on some dirt.

But frankly, as a lowly plankton/minnow the only way one can begin to contribute is to curate. Even then a $0.02 vote means virtually nothing much beyond the thought itself. So we try our best to increase that vest. But Steemit is a popularity platform and I’m not real good at popularity contests. Quality yes, popular, not so much! I’ll leave it in your very capable hands to judge if I possess these skills.

Here's barn mostly finished:


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