Quote of the Day #105: Kind Words Cost Nothing!

Being nice is easier than you think!

Have you ever had one of those days where everything gets you on edge and reactive? Those are the days where being nice pays dividends more than could ever be imagined. The tough times and the easy times differ as to how you perceive them. The best way to transcend difficult situations is to be nice.

At times, you may think the world is coming down on you with ridiculous deadlines, nonsensical expectations and downright craziness with you alone as the sole target of it’s wrath. A good way to deal with all of this is to keep your cool and be kind. Being kind and open to every possibility out there will ground you in many ways and the act of sending out good vibes even if you are receiving bad ones, can overpower the negative and flip the script. Being kind and saying nice things to those who come at you sideways is not only free, but it pays you by getting you at peace in your own head.

Always keep in the front of your mind that kindness is the key to everything, without it, there is just fear, uncertainty and doubt. Get things sorted out and get things moving in a positive direction at all costs. The world will thank you for it!

Did you like today’s quote? Consider an UPVOTE or a RESTEEM, that’d be cool!

Check out yesterday’s “Quote of the Day #104” if you haven’t already done so.

Being kind is kinda cool!

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