Green Quote: “If you want water, food, medicine, shelter, peace, etc; just plant trees”

#GreenQuote of the Week


Image by @mr-greens

“If you want water, food, medicine, shelter, peace, etc; just plant trees”

If you want water, plant trees
If you want medicine, plant trees
If you want food, plant fruit and food trees
If you want shelter, plant trees
If you want beauty, plant trees
And the list continues ….

This month, we will commemorate two very important environmental days; World Water Day on the 22nd of March and the International Day of Forests on the 21st of March.
This explains why our #GreenQuote of the week focuses on trees. Last week, we talked about some of the very important services trees provide. The role of trees in the ecosystem is very vital for humanity’s survival; as such, we must keep on planting and defending trees. Some of the benefits trees provide include;

  1. Trees provide us oxygen
  2. Trees store and purify water
  3. Trees provide food and medicine e.g. Avocado fruit trees give us avocadoes meanwhile the Prunus africana is medicine for malaria and prostate cancer
  4. Trees are playmates
  5. Trees provide us shade
  6. Trees add beauty to our property
  7. Trees provide fuel wood and timber for our woodworks
  8. Trees provide shade
  9. Trees are home to other flora and fauna
  10. Trees absorb the toxic gases we emit in the atmosphere, hence curb climate change.

This month, we encourage you to plant some trees.
Have a tree week!

The Greens' 10 Years Achievements

Below are some of our achievements after 10 years of service to people and the planet.

Enjoy good #GreenMusic here:
Enjoy our Poetic achievements here:
You can enjoy our ARTchievements here:
Learn more about our Radio Achievements here;
You can read our Tire Upcycling creativity here;
You can read our 10 Years Environmental Education achievement here;
You can read our 10 Years Tree Planting accomplishment here;

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The Greens is a grassroots environmental organization that strives to educate, inspire and engage young people to take action to combat climate change and be at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and waste management.

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