Thoughts on quote by Lucille Ball

So I use the self-care app Finch. It has a thing where you can see a random affirmation or quote when you open the app for the first time in a little while (like, an hour or something).

They seem to have added some new quotes recently. Here's one I got that stood out to me:

"I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done." --credited to Lucille Ball

There are at least two ways to interpret this:

  1. 'I'd rather take a chance and do something than have things go wrong through inaction.' A little like the quote "Better to have tried and failed than to have not tried at all." (Attr. Sean-Paul Thomas)
  2. 'There are so many things to try in life that we can't do them all, and the things we do tend to have more impact. It makes more sense to reflect on and learn from bad choices than to mope about the plethora of things we might've had opportunity for, but opted to pass on for the sake of things we value more (generally speaking).'

The second way is the one I initially read it as, and that resonates with me more. I'm not gonna mope about never having been, say, a railroad conductor, since it's just not really part of my interests. If anything, I think I'd rather be more upset about time wasted doing something I chose to do, especially if I figured it wasn't really in my interests, or might be a bad idea.

Of course, it'll vary by situation - sometimes, you just need to take a change, despite the risks. Still, I think I'd generally rather be chill about not trying to do everything... and not let anyone pressure me to feel bad about every little missed opportunity. 😉

Very real current example: Though it might be difficult with my emotional health/illness struggles, I'd rather not fuss too much about the idea that I did NOT realize that I need RC to make posts - and I don't want to be (too) limited on paying power, so it might be a good idea to accept Hive Power as payment, rather than declining everything just because I'm not here for the crypto. 😅 It's a learning process. Better not to fuss about what I couldn't have known (yet).

...What do you think? 🙂

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