Which Exchange Will Institution Money Go To?

If you are an institution and looking to invest in cryptocurrency, you will probably be looking at many options at this point. However, let's be real, your company is about to invest a lot of money into cryptocurrencies. It is rather obvious that you would not be going on to coinmarketcap and try shopping around, would you? Instead, your company would likely be looking for a reliable cryptocurrency exchange with a lot of liquidity and security. In my opinion, I think Quoine's Liquid Exchange fits these criteria well, so let's do a bit of a simple comparison with some of the other exchanges out there to see which is best.

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Liquidity is important for any exchange aiming to cater to institutions as their core business. Liquidity in this case refers to how a particular asset can be quickly bought or sold without affecting its price. Not only that, if any exchange plans to operate in the international arena, it would need to be able to trade cryptocurrencies for more than just one nation's currency. On that note, there are a few exchanges which cater to this. Legolas Exchange is one such exchange, in order to maintain a large liquidity pool, the fees obtained on this market are distributed among those who provide the liquidity as a form of reward. Thus, Legolas exchange essentially pays to ensure that liquidity is maintained at all times.

In addition, Gemini exchange is another exchange that has a unique approach to liquidity. It does so by holding daily auctions of certain pairs. This ensures that liquidity can be maintained especially if the administrators at the exchange finds any particular pair lacking in liquidity. Furthermore, if any institution wishes to buy a large amount of cryptocurrencies, they will be able to receive a better, more competitive price. However, I find that Quoine's Liquid exchange has the best solution among the other exchanges.

In order to maintain liquidity, Quoine's Liquid exchange sources and matches orders from different exchanges worldwide. This is dubbed as the world book by Quoine. The whole idea of the world book is to source the best prices and match them to the potential millions of orders placed on Quoine's Liquid exchange. Some articles claim that Quoine's Liquid exchange has over 17 exchanges from different parts of the world providing liquidity to the Liquid platform. However, it is likely that the number of exchanges providing liquidity to the exchange has since increased.

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However, as much as liquidity is important, security and peace of mind ultimately is a more important criteria.


If you take a quick glance at most cryptocurrency exchanges that cater to institutions, you will find that most of them are centralized and with some rather serious security flaws. For example, the Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange is a centralized platform and despite the fact that most of the funds are stored in a cold wallet, the platform could still be hacked. This is compounded by the fact that there are no independent audits being done on the platform. Thus, the owners of the platform could choose to run away with all the funds in the wallet and there would be nothing its users can do about it. This is not to say that they are a bad platform, but it is still better to be safe than sorry.

GDAX is another well known player in the game. Despite being launched by Coinbase, GDAX too suffers from the same issues as Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange which is the use of a centralized platform. While it may be true that GDAX only stores a mere 2% of its entire holdings on its platform, the 98% is still susceptible to loss and fraudulent practices. In addition, GDAX too lacks independent audits which means that the funds of its users are at risk. This however is not the case for Quoine's Liquid Exchange.

Quoine's Liquid Exchange take extra measures to ensure that the funds of its users remain safe. For example, Quoine's Liquid Exchange utilizes a system known as Iron Shield. The system encompasses a few security measures which include two factor authentication, cooling off periods that prevent their users' account from being compromised and the use of controls. All these systems when put together would make it extremely difficult for any hacker to gain control of your account. Even in the most unlikely scenario that your account becomes compromised, you can be sure that it is not the work of Quoine's Liquid Exchange. This is because unlike the other exchanges, Quoine's Liquid exchange is regulated by the Japan Financial Services Agency. This means that they have an external audit who will be there to ensure that the funds of its clients are safe.

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After looking up a few of these exchanges it seems like Quoine's Liquid Exchange is the best especially for institution investment. It is no surprise since Quoine's team were mostly involved in the Fintech sector, thus, this gives them the knowledge necessary in ensuring that the exchange is secure and functional. Furthermore, seeing that Quoine's team used to be involved in the Fintech industry, I won't be surprised if some of the institution money that flows into Quoine's Liquid Exchange will be from institutions that have worked with members of Quoine's team before. As such, I believe in Quoine's Liquid Exchange and if you do too, you can invest in their cryptocurrency, QASH. On that note, I am sure when QASH is added to any of the more well known exchanges, its value will surely spike as QASH represents the very capable Liquid Exchange.

If you are interested to know more about Quoine's team and project, do visit the links below. You can also find them on the different social media sites displayed below. Also I have attached a few articles as reference to my research.

Links & Social Media Sites

· Project Website: https://quoine.com/#products

· Products & Services: https://www.liquid.com and https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/qash/

· Quoine Team: https://quoine.com/#mission

· Quoine Story:

· Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QuoineGlobal/

· Medium: https://medium.com/quoineglobal

· Twitter: https://twitter.com/quoineglobal

· Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/quoineglobal/







Many of the findings here are researched but are based on my own opinion. I welcome any debate and discussion but I am no financial adviser. As such, always do your own due diligence before selling your kidney to invest in anything.

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