Quiz Part 2

Alright, how long is your list?

I'm sure you got rob, rape, and kill on the left, and love, caring, helping on the right.

Were you surprised by the number of terms you could name?

Did you have more negative terms than good ones?

Now, what can we extrapolate from our data?

IF we start a line from the left side, continue through the neutral mark, and terminating on the right, we could list these terms in a gradient from ultimate evil to neutral and from neutral to ultimate good.

We could call the left side evil, and the right side good.

We could call it satan and god, but why would we do that?

The principle is the same.

Neutral favors the status quo and/or those willing to use violence.

IF you choose your choices from terms on the left side then you are supporting those ideas on the left.

IF you choose you choices from the terms on the right side, then you are supporting those ideas on the right.

It's like baseball, when you chose to become violent or angry you are batting for team 'satan'

Pretty simple, huh?

When you love your neighbors and do caring type things you are batting for team 'god'.

When you put your own enrichment ahead of people's survival which side did you think you were batting for?

Now we are at the point where you have to choose, which side will you support, and in what proportion?

Now, we could line all the people up on this line, as well.

Everybody that has ever lived can be assigned a place on this line.

I'm sure consensus on who goes where will be hard to reach, but I'm also sure that most of us could agree that Mohammad Ali, Mother Theresa, and Clara Barton are to the right of the majority of us, and that Pol Pot, the Bush/Clinton crime family, and Hitler would be to the left of most of us.

There are more extrapolations to be made, perhaps I can make them tomorrow.

Have a perfectly peaceful day.


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