Rage Quitters Annoy Me, Because They Never Actually Leave.

THIS IS SO STUPID, Y'ALL don't recognize my greatness and it is just plain wrong.

(Insert all the ways the quitter feels everyone else is wrong)

Rage quitters also never say...

"I could have done better at this, and this" it is always what everyone else should have done.  :)

I think most of them mean it when they say it.  It shows how they resolve feelings and internal conflict.  With threats and temper.  We've all considered it...

That's it I quit!!!  

Usually supporters rush around and try to talk the quitter down.  Which often works because what they are really looking for is validation.  

If the quiter is angry, it just reveals the passion that remains and shows that the quitter hasn't yet resolved their feeling state on the issue.  I get annoyed, at these "quitters" but not angry.  Now that I don't work in the corporate world it is kind of fun to have an unresolved emotion and let it spill over once in a while.  The same thing happens to me when I do my occasional rant.

Have you ever watched a really angry couple try to get divorced, they still spend all of their attention on the relationship, because when you are angry, you are not yet done.  Beware when the anger goes away.

The real quitters, lose interest, make a choice to go elsewhere or quietly go off and do something else.

Go ahead and write your "Quitter Post", maybe you will blow off some Steem, but I'm not fooled.  You'll be back. 

It's the quiet, lack of interest quitters that actually go away.

Yes, I am mocking you.


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