Questions 31 - 40

questions 31 to 40.png

  1. Why do we accept anything bad about us as the truth while no amount of proof convinces us of our good qualities? A nearly infinite amount of positive feedback comes at me online but it only takes one comment that I do not like often to feel like that is the truth. Maybe I want to believe the truth about me is bad sometimes?
  2. What directs us to condemn that in others which is most similar to what we dislike and deny in ourselves? I called someone out today for talking behind my back about me and then I talked behind their back about them ...
  3. How do we best find empathy for those that resent us? Understanding their lives helps a lot!
  4. Where do we unlock the courage to share our truth when we are afraid of what people will think? Seeing others do it is what inspires me and I hope to show what that looks like in what I do here daily.
  5. Who would love to help us the most today? I will keep an eye open. Last night I called a friend when I was in the middle of a resentment and what cheered me up was hearing how excited he was at helping me.
  6. Which lesson can we learn the easy way today instead of requiring the hard way to be convinced?
  7. Will readers grow tried of my posts here, roll their eyes, unfollow, and forget me? It is up to me to do my best to serve and respond to feedback while not up to be who reads and how much.
  8. Can we really handle the truth or will it just make us mad? The truth used to only make me mad and today I realize anything that does make me mad is the truth I am avoiding.
  9. Why do I feel so awkward about tipping? What do I need to do to feel great about giving someone a tip? I am not sure why I feel so awkward about tipping and often feel like something nasty took place after giving a tip instead of feeling like I just was generous and kind.
  10. Why do we work so hard to avoid uncomfortable conversations and then benefit so greatly from them? My wife and I last night had been avoiding a conversation about our updated sex life since having a child for at least a year. It was a little painful talking our way through it but now we are much more on the same page about differences from before and after!

Thank you for reading another day of questions because this is helping me out a lot to expand my consciousness and I hope it provides the same for you! Do you prefer that I add comments to the questions to help the context I am asking them in be more clear?

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Jerry Banfield

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