Questions 21 - 30

questions 21 - 30.png

  1. Am I really working on raising consciousness or am I just a slave teaching the best ways to stay enslaved to this world online? I am not sure.
  2. Do we already have eternal life right this moment without the need to do anything or have done anything to earn it? That feels like the truth to me.
  3. How do we know if we are truly helping and being of service today? Are upvotes and comments the best way to tell? How about views?
  4. Is the purpose of life to learn how to love? Those with Near Death Experiences or NDEs seem to consistently agree on this point. It feels true to me.
  5. What do I need to do today to love unconditionally in each situation? Keep writing this post or do something else?
  6. Why do we accomplish so much during the day and then go to bed at night feeling like we did not do enough? Still trying to work this one out.
  7. When is it time to stop hustling, end fantasy, and enjoy the future which is today that we worked so hard for yesterday? Am I doing that now or is this just more hustling? At what point is the bank account big enough to just take a day off and not think about it?
  8. Would anyone still follow me if they saw me picking my nose and eating the booger which I could not even spell without spellcheck? After our almost two year old daughter had finished picking a booger and was about to eat it, my wife started to explain about how dirty it was and why she should not eat it. I did not say anything because it seems I am just too lazy to go to the bathroom and try to throw it down the sick and wash my hands. I mean it was in my nose how dirty can it be?
  9. Is it courageous or disgusting to share intimate body details like above? Maybe a bit of both?
  10. Why does the idea of posting naked pictures of myself feel so vulnerable when my body is my most beautiful creation which I have been working on for nearly 34 years? If my friends did it, I probably would too. The world would probably be a happier place if we all felt comfortable being naked. That would be a lot of motivation to make a diet one enjoyed and stick to it. Maybe I should try a nudist colony.

Thank you for reading the next ten questions I have asked in my new series where I share ten questions I think about each day because I hope this helps with feeling connected and raising our collective consciousness to see the big beautiful world we live in! If you would like me to do more of these, would you please upvote this post because I decide what to keep doing based on what you upvote the most?

Jerry Banfield

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