Questions 1 - 10

10 questions #1.png

What is the power of asking a great question? Which questions are worth asking today? Will you join us in asking these questions because in my life, I have found the secret to huge breakthroughs is asking better questions? For example, when I feel depressed I used to ask "What is wrong with me?" and my brain would give me a laundry list of problems which then left me feeling even worse. Today I ask "What do I need to learn from how I feel now?" and often the answers provided by this inspire me back into a state of peace and often excitement in discovering a new opportunity for growth. This literally happened twenty minutes after I wrote this and worked almost instantly to change my state.

Would we all benefit from looking at 10 questions each day to help practice the art of asking the most effective questions? Would you join us in considering these questions because the answers might prove exciting? The first question is one I have been asking myself repeatedly today!

  1. How do I provide the greatest help to the most people on Steemit with the least amount of effort on my part? Here is my answer.
  2. Why do I feel like I have to hustle for my worthiness and prove I am worthy of love everyday with the work I do when I am clearly lovable already as soon as I wake up? Isn't over $400 in post rewards enough today? What is the point of making a third post?
  3. Where is the text editor in my Ubuntu Linux installation? I have tried using and installing nano but just keeping getting an error.
  4. How do I see proof that all of my prayers have already been answered now?
  5. Why do we build new buildings when most of the ones we have sit empty most of the day?
  6. Where do I create the most joy?
  7. What is right with me today?
  8. Why do I fear criticism while knowing its value?
  9. Which person in my life do I have the biggest chance to be more grateful for?
  10. How do I avoid falling into the trap of thinking more money will lead to more happiness?

Thank you for reading this 10 questions with us! If you would like me to keep doing these each day, would you please upvote this post because that will tell me this was helpful?

Jerry Banfield

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