Who is the biggest pack rat you know?

  • Who is the biggest pack rat you know?

    I am 100% sure that this question is a trick question to make me confess things that I don't want to confess to! For the love of every snek in the world, why? WHY? Tell me why, tell me why... and some secret liessss... I know, I should not sing! Anyways, trick question but I am going to answer anyways!

    Image source: Pixabay

    First of all, I am a snek and not a rat! That being said, I might be the biggest pack snek there is! It's not that I keep like everything but almost! I mean, I can see use in any item really. I can always create something with it. There for, I packsnekrat all the way because of reasons! Throwing things away... Just is so painful! I don't wanna! I wanna keep it all and make use of it! So, that is what I do in my special room! I collect it all!

    To really never use it anyway! :( Insert like a million sad smilies here! And then some more! YES, people tell me to throw those things away but like the good snek that I am, I don't listen! No ears and all that! I know better but I don't act! I also buy too many of the same things and end up not using them! I am starting to see a pattern here! Told you, damn trick questions! They make me insane! I mean, being a pack snek sounds like a bad thing right? To be honest, I don't think so!

    Image source: Pixabay

    I think that the fact that I want to give used items a second life is a good thing! All I need is someone to kick my butt and tell me to do it! Now, I would do it myself but... Kinda hard! Help? Yes, help me collect more! Please? It's not that I am saying you can't throw things away but perhaps you can give it a second life!

    Are you a pack rat? Or do you throw everything away? I would love to read your answer in the replies! Your words are very much appreciated! Now excuse me while I go store some pots and 3 boxes I found downstairs!

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    Thank you for reading my post!

    Best wishes

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