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Did you know: The British Queen also has a secret Facebook account to talk to relatives and friends?

Being lighthearted at age 91 is rare, but the head of the Royal Family makes us even more surprised when she even creates her own Facebook account and use it.

Although everyone knows that the number of Facebook users at the age of the queen is rare, but there is a little known truth, it is her personal page is now the hand she created and also. The whole manager works rather than relies on anyone. After reading this article, you will definitely give up thinking: "conservative old age", they are not inferior to the "generation 9x" where.
Queen Elizabeth II has the habit of using modern technology products such as laptops, iPads or even the most advanced mobile phones, enough to make your iPhone 7 stand apart. Which phone "brick" myth.

Back in the Queen's Facebook account, according to MailOnline, the queen owns the personal account on Facebook with the strictest level of security and privacy, along with her secret friends list. . This means that almost no one can find out about her Facebook account, except for those on the friends list.
The British Mirror newspaper has also launched a search for the Queen's real Facebook account, though hope is slim.

They searched for "Elizabeth Windsor" and returned 3 results. An account is from a real person, but regrettably has nothing to do with the royal family, while the other two accounts are not very convincing, when looking at the list of friends in turn are children. Number 0 rounded, the remaining only 27 friends.

Obviously, the number of true friends on Facebook is more than that, although, as mentioned above, no one outside Buckingham Palace knows the true number.

Next to the keyword "Lilibet Windsor," Facebook's return is mysterious and curious, is it really queen? (Lilibet is the name of the queen that the family gave her from her childhood)
She has many similarities with her mother, Queen Elizabeth the First, especially in talking and talking. They both enjoyed chatting, confided. And two of whom Queen Elizabeth II often sent his heartfelt, most sentimental message was Princess Anne and her groom instructor - Sir John Warren.

Perhaps John is the only person in the world that people believe can contact the queen anytime anywhere. This would not be too surprising, if you knew that her lifelong pleasure sent the whole saddle.
Do you ever get upset or feel deadlocked when your phone runs out of battery? Of course, the Queen of the United Kingdom never experienced that feeling.

Not a royal phone that has a "super" battery like you think. It's just that her phone is always fully charged, and the person in charge of the job is Angela Kelly, her personal assistant, and the person in charge of the Queen's costume when it comes out.

We all want to see the queen's smallest aspects of Facebook as normal people do. It could be an article sharing Corgi's cute videos, updating the status line with some emoticons, or maybe asking a friend to ask in a cordial statement: Now ... after all, maybe someday you will unknowingly find the "owner" of Queen Elizabeth?

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