The Quasar Framework joins forces with and the Steem Community

Really, for a great majority of projects that only need a data-centric thin-client, such an archaic approach is usually overkill. What do these projects need? They need a database, a communications pipe, a display and some method of interaction. The good news is that the "programming languages" we associate with "the internet" have grown up quite a bit since their inception in the 1990s. If Sir Tim Berners-Lee's HTML laid the groundwork for the nervous system of the modern web, then Håkon Wium Lie's and Bert Bos' CSS sculpted the face and Brendan Eich's Javascript grew the muscles. But children grow up, and like evolution from VIM to VS Code, the modern stack brings amazing features like shadow dom, dynamic css and even strongly-typed languages that transpile to javascript.

real programmers
Image: Real Programmers. cc-by-nc Randall Monroe (permalink)
Naturally, all of these amazing new features of modern development also bring with them an explosive degree of complexity like code linters, transpilers, build pipelines, testing rigs and hundreds of interconnecting dependencies. In fact, there are so many different technologies, that navigating their waters is a tradecraft for itself. Which is why many developers are turning to Quasar because they need to get stuff done right, right now. Quasar takes the guesswork out of putting together the right babel transpilers and webpack chains. Every artefact built by Quasar is reproducible and so solid, that you can be sure that the errors encountered actually originated between YOUR chair and the keyboard. :)

What is it exactly?
The Quasar Framework is a node.js command-line-interface and a vue.js component library for developing and publishing a website; for building and optimising a progressive web-app; a way to make native apps for Linux, MacOS and Windows with Electron; and even a system for creating mobile apps for Android and iOS with Cordova. It does all of this from one user-maintained code-base using tricks of the trade, best-practices and a curated selection of node modules. And it is 100% open source with a liberal MIT license.

If you want to learn what Quasar is and what it can do for you, read the Introduction to Quasar, but here is a quick overview of ways you can use it:

UMD/Standalone (embed into an existing project through CDN, progressive integration)
Starter Kit handled by Quasar CLI (the premium experience, recommended)
Vue CLI 3 plugin

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