[Answers] QuarkChain Quiz 1 - Take sometime to test yourself about the QuarkChain Project, All questions are based on QuarkChain Whitepaper @quarkchain

QuarkChain Quiz 1 - Take sometime to test yourself about the QuarkChain Project, All questions are based on QuarkChain Whitepaper

Note - Answers are marked with #, Also read options before marking as they are changing the order

Quark Question with Answer:

What is the official website of QuarkChain?*


During public sale stage, 1ETH = ? QKC.*

31533 QKC / ETH

When is the planned date to launch mainnet 1.0?*

2018 Q4

What does TPS mean in QuarkChain’s whitepaper?*

Transactions per second

What is the main goal of QuarkChain?*

Provide scalability and high throughput blockchain

Which are the main features of horizontal scalability in centralized world?*

All of the above

What is the technology that QuarkChain uses to increase the throughput?*


QuarkChain’s scalability technology is mainly based on*

Horizontal scalability

What is the consensus mechanism of QuarkChain?*


Which one is correct?*

A. QuarkChain offers market driven collaborative mining.
B. QuarkChain supports cross-shard transactions.
C. QuarkChain has two layers, one is called rootchain.
#D. All above.

Will QuarkChain support smart contact?*

#A. It will support Turing complete smart contact written in Solidity.
B. It will support Turing complete smart contact, but developers need to learn a new language.
C. Yes, but not Turing complete.
D. No.

If a user has his/her balance in shard A while the user wants to use a smart contract in shard B, what should the user do?*

A. Go to exchange to buy some QKCs in shard B and perform the smart contract transaction.
B. Ask a friend who has balance in shard B to do so.
C. Send QKC to his/her shard B’s address and then use the smart contract.
#D Have shard A directly access the smart contract.

If a malicious miner wants to perform an attack on QuarkChain (with 10 shards), it needs collect at least hashpower of the whole network.*

A. 10%
#B. 25%
C. 5%
D. 50%

If a malicious miner wants to perform an attack on QuarkChain (with 100 shards), it needs collect at least hashpower of the whole network.*

A. 10%
#B. 25%
C. 0.5%
D. 50%

Why users can make a cross-shard transaction on QuarkChain?*

#A. Rootchain can confirm it.
B. The third shard services as the mid-man between two shards.
C. Each shard records the transactions of the whole network.
D. No. QuarkChain cannot do cross-shard transactions.

Based on QuarkChain's whitepaper, which one is correct?*

A. Only powerful parties can run a super-full node.
B. Users need multiple accounts (with different private keys) in different shards.
C. It is reshardable after main-net launched.
#D. Rootchain records transactions details.

QuarkChain Testnet 0.1 has been already running at:*

A. 21000 tps
B. 100 tps
#C. 2200 tps
D. 7500 tps

According to Qi Zhou (our CEO)'s testnet demonstration (you can find this video on youtube), how many shards we have in that testnet?*

A. 16
B. 7
C. 100
#D. 8

According to Qi Zhou (our CEO)'s testnet demonstration (you can find this video on youtube), which statement related to "secondary" in a user's balance is correct?*

A. It always shows zero.
B. There is no such thing in the users’ interface.
C. It is “pending balance” waiting for further confirmation.
#D. It is the sum of all balances other than the primary account

According to Qi Zhou (our CEO)'s test-net demonstration (you can find this video on youtube), if one clicks the "Transfer Balance" button, what will happen?*

A Nothing happens.
#B Secondary balance will transfer to primary one.
C Pop up a window for you to enter the target account address.
D Distribute the primary balance evenly to other shards.

Suppose current QuarkChain network supports A cross-shard transactions per second, how many cross-shard transactions per second can be supported after doubling the number of shards?*

B. A
C. 4
#D. 2*A

What is the theoretical limit of the number of shards in QuarkChain?*

A. 1024
B. 100
C. 4294967296
#D. 2147483648

What is a QuarkChain’s cluster?*

A. Consist of multiple low-cost nodes
B. Solution to expensive super-full node
C. Reject any blocks from peers with invalid transactions
#D. All of above

When a user runs a QuarkChain node with cluster feature enabled and the node is running out of storage, what should the user do?*

A. Shut down the node and setup a new node with bigger storage
B. Re-install QuarkChain software
C. Adding a new node to the cluster and let cluster to migrate data to new node
#D. Both A and C

Which one is correct?*

A. Root chain is unminable.
B. Blocks in root chain include detailed transaction records.
C. One shard only contains 500 miners.
#D. Root-chain first proof of work is the consensus mechanism for the shards.

(Optional) What kind of D-Apps (or blockchain applications) do you think need 10000+ TPS?

Cryptokitties, gaming, IOT, Social network, cloud storage

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