Sneezing your lung out is a privilege

The following article is a satire on smoking in the current context of the SARS-CO-2 pandemic.
Please aproach it with care!

One of the currently hot topics of the pandemic is the need of large quantities of tests, but some of us just don't need them.. i.e., as a smoker, you know the terms of your toxic relationship with SARS-CO-2 daily!

I wake up at around 2 p.m. and I just can't start my day without a cigarette; The one thing that guarantees you a bad experience with the virus, since your lungs are already deteriorated.

As most of us know by now, the virus inhibits your ability to eliminate mucus and other residue from your lungs, including the cells that come there to help and end up 'eating it up'.

The cigarette is not given enough credit,'s a simple replacement for the infection test.

As a smoker all you need is a good daily sneeze and you are assured that you're negative!

So that's what my brain starts thinking about in this tedious quarantine life..hope I could've been at least remotely funny! (get it, remotely..haha)

Until next time! 😁

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