The Quantum Science - The Science Of The Invisible

“What are the most powerful forces in nature? In the world of minerals, everything is solid. In the kingdom of animals and plants, everything is in a state of flux, endless changes, it is always created and renewed. We find heat, light and energy in the atmosphere. Every world becomes finer and more spiritual as we move from the visible to the invisible, from the hard to the refined, from the low potential to the high potential. When we reach the invisible, we find energy in its purest and simplest form.”

Charles F. Haanel

Just as the most powerful forces in nature are invisible, so are the most powerful forces in man his invisible forces, his spiritual strength, pure consciousness.

Quantum physics and metaphysics can be most simply explained as "the sciences of the invisible." Just as we do not see heat, but we feel it, we do not see wind, and yet we feel it, so there are our bodies that we cannot see with our eyes, but they exist. Let me explain you something about our energy body and quantum body.

The energy body is known to us by the chakras, while the quantum body could most easily be explained as the field around us, often represented as the aura around the physical body. The image below shows the physical body, then the energy body vertically along the spine (the 7 most famous chakras), and the field around the body represents our quantum field or quantum body.


Photo: Peyson Jones

Why are we not all able to feel our energy body? Because it is mostly full of blockages, as well as of the karmatic quantum prints that we carry in our DNA (at the quantum level). All our thoughts depend on karmic germs.

What are blockages and how do they occur?

First, because we prevent the flow of life energy by constantly holding on to the same thing, holding with both hands as mentally what is old, what we no longer need.

The whole world is on the move, we cannot stand still in a world where everything moves. By clinging to the old, we block the flow of natural laws, we block the flow of life energy through us, and thus distance ourselves from natural cosmic intelligence. We distance ourselves from the development of consciousness. Cosmic intelligence puts everything in front of us right then and in the way that is best for our development. By opposing the natural course of events, we oppose the entire Universe. In this process, various forms of stress arise.

If, for example, you work as a stewardess on train and you have pain in your legs that does not go away, you are constantly "stuck" by unpleasant passengers, every day you return home with your head bowed crying that you do not like your job and that you are tired and you have no time for anything, because you're just working - it's not your job's fault. It's your fear of change, the fear of giving the old, what you don't need anymore. Be sure that, if you do not change the circumstances, your legs will hurt even more, you will meet even more unpleasant passengers and you will feel even more listless and tired.

It is a natural law of growth. In this way, the Universe trying to make it clearer to you that it’s time for change. Instead of resisting and blocking the natural flow of life energy, feel grateful. Rejoice in the new, you have the opportunity to experience yourself in the new territory.

It has been scientifically proven that stress is the cause of ALL existing diseases. When stress occurs, it leaves an imprint or “block” first on the quantum body, thus creating an error at the quantum level. If the cause of stress (quantum error) is not eliminated, it spreads to our energy body, to the chakra system, causing blockages in certain chakras, all depending on what type of "stress" it is. If the cause of the stress that led to this “error” is still not eliminated, the disease of the physical body occurs.

For example: if you have a blockage in the heart chakra due to the stress caused by the loss of a loved person, it is very likely that you will get heart disease over time.

Medications only relieve symptoms caused by stress. Elimination of the cause as well as complete elimination of the disease, is possible only at the quantum level.


Photo: Christian Rex Van Minner

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