The Ego As The "Owner" Of The Physical Body

The true is that the physical body belongs to the Planet. The Planet provides us with a physical body and we provide the Planet with experiences. We are not a physical body and it‘s not our property.


Art: Amanda Sage

In the colourful sweet illusion in which the ego enjoy and chill in famous 1% of the brain that makes up thoughts, there is one gigantic delusion called "property of the physical body."

The ego like to possess various objects, emotions and stories about itself, to "be" everything except what it is (nothing). Possession of a physical body is a very sensitive topic for the ego, since in most cases it itself thinks that it is the same as that. I will allow myself to consciously jump in the role of the ego and conjure up this symptom (illusion) through the first person singular.

If I am a physical body, it falls under my ownership. Since everything that falls under my ownership is under my control, I, the ego, have the right to do with my physical body whatever I want. I have the right to feed it or to not feed it, to change it as I wish, to torture it as I want - because it is mine and no one can tell me how and what I should I do with myself (with the physical body, because I think it’s same).

When I drink alcohol, smoke, eat excessively, starve - I have every right to do it. I, ego, think that it is very fancy and sexy to train myself (physical body) to the point of exhaustion in gyms, to “upgrade” myself with some substances to build up my muscles, just to feed an imaginary story (illusion) about myself - about what I am in minds of others (what is ilusion too) and to look like physical bodies that have photographed and printed (processed with a photoshop - to look like something else than what they are) on newspaper from some other egos who’s think that all physical bodies should looks like that. Thus, it would correspond to social standards and sexual egoistic diseases and NOT passed sexual education from generation to generation (95% no sexual education, the other 5% wrong education), so that they can benefit materially from this elaborate system. They be then also able to afford corrections of their physical bodies in some other form that they think will make them happy.


Anyway, I, the ego, will don’t stop until I bring my appearance to perfection (source of information what perfection is: EXTERNAL - TV, fashion magazines, pornography, instagram, fb, tik-tok, snapchat - there are those who think that they must have a tongue like an animal to be perfect).

I take action to be the best version of myself: I put a ton of makeup on my face every day, I implant artificial hair, eyelashes and everything else that can be implanted and stick to "me", I put silicones in my chest, I spray something in my lips, I cut off parts of my body from my ass and I sew them on my face. I intentionally starve, vomit, overeat, physically strain my body to exhaustion. I put a penis in the place of the vagina and vice versa, and where I don't have women breasts, I think I should have them.

I, the physical body, have to follow the crowd (fashion) according to external information, so I start to dress “myself” in expensive cloths, if I am able, and if I’m not - I start to suffer because I am not able. I suffer because I don't have a nice skirt, if I have one, then it doesn't fit me well, if these two previous are okey, someone comes and tells me that he/she thinks that my skirt doesn't fit me well, so then I suffer because of that. If I am not able to buy those cloths, I even allow to others to use my physical body sexually, so that I can have the items that those from the TV boxes think I need.

When I totally exhaust my physical body trying to make of it (myself) what it’s not, it begins to signal to me through unpleasant feelings, such as tension, pain, weakness, etc. No one has taught me that I should listen to the “voice of the body” and how should I do it (in addition to everything I was obliged to learn in school to “be capable” to live in the outside world). I start to “stick labels” on what I feel and to suffer emotionaly because of unpleasant feelings in my body.

If I feel anxious, it's probably because I'm fat or because I don't have what others have or because I don't have big breasts or because that famous skirt doesn't fit me well. I don’t want to accept the feeling of anxiety or pain as what it is - an alarm signal from the physical body, without any additional story (because I don’t know how to do it).

It is best for me, the ego identified with the physical body, to go to a psychiatrist who also thinks he is a physical body, with a paper (from the same schools) that allows him to treat me (according to some rules of some "qualified" physical bodies) so I could get more external information about who should I be, and maybe I need an "external substance" to put me from one illusion to another.


The whole human rase suffers from the illusion of identification with the physical body, labeling the signals that the body gives us and the hunger for possession of material things (as well as not-material). Since we don’t know who we are, we barbarically destroy nature, massacre and torture animals as well as humans - just to be something we are not - an illusion, a fictional story about ourselves.

We make toilet paper from Amazon forests, a coat from a zebra, a boot from a crocodile, from elephant and a deer a wall decoration, from a human a tax-paying machine, sex slaves from the children, and fireworks from the Planet.

The truth is: Planet Earth lent us a physical body. We (pure consciousness) through the physical body gain experiences in the world of matter. The planet Earth, through our consciousness, acquires experiences in the world of "immateriality". You are not "your" physical body, it doesn’t belong to you, nor does a tree, or a flower, or a zebra, or a dog, or a bird, or sunlight, or stone, or water, or air. Nothing belongs to you.

If the Planet didn't want you, you wouldn't be here. You think everything belongs to you by some right? Incorrect.

Give thanks for every breathe, say “thank you” to tree for an apple, thank the Sun that warms you, the wind that caresses you.

Wake up from the illusion of a tiny sufferer and realize that the Planet doesn’t charge you for anything you really need, everything is given free to you.


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