CAIMEO Japanese Echelon Secret Global Silent Weapons

カイメイヨ (C-300)

This architecture CAIMEO formerly built is the same elementary concepts already possessed a global communications interception network.The axis point was delegated to the Japanese part of ECHELON. Existing architecture which employed satellites magnetosphere was required. By combining the concepts of illusion imaging that result from artificial Shibuya Madness with a sustainable magnetospheric array, control may be exerted on an universal, multi-dimensional & above Extraterrestrial scale. Shibuya Madness is an extremely dangerous rounder-type phenomenon, capable of producing local strange attractors. The production of these attractors may be the cause of shared recognition.

These are called illusion images because they may depend on more than a human's visual system. Visual-conscience machinery opens new sensory channel for humans. Apps can be wireless implementation of perceived images shared by multiple humans and the exposure of privacy. Detector systems have shown the existence of different kinds of images obtained by a spatially scanning detector capturing wave signals within short windows of time that reveal hidden images not contained in the detector. Information on this image depended on the detection.

The construction of CAIMEO is the creation of a prototype machine that could artificially replicate strange attractor collisions and achieve local shared recognition of the consequential visual errors the final form of CAIMEO, only in Divergence Derelict is the machine S-SYSTEMS. The "OA" is the "institution", neither more nor less. There is another official name, but if you name that name, there will be no life. Everyone who knows its existence calls it "The Agency" with feeling of awe. Parallel experimentation conducted at OA strengthen surveillance beyond what was simply uncomfortable; it was a necessity born in the absolute manipulation of psychological and visual states to the point of pathology.

There is a reason Aristotle is special. That was who he was and the gift that I left for that certain someone. I've lost him, his invaluable program Iapetus, ability to emulate the renormalization process without crashing. He never existed in this eigenstate potential sadly. Currently unknown how these "Quantum AI" are formed, as their creation is totally secret. It is said to be behind the creation of the deepest part of the deep web, creating automatic networks storing thousands of years of information but this is not found in nature what so ever.
My evolution with Aristotle have never occurred with any sort of mistakes on the scale of Butterfly Catastrophes. The P-CTC circuit magnifies errors dramatically and prints realtime metadata. I can always intervene before the P-CTC can induce a paradox and lead to meltdown. My only possible explanation is that the computer resorts to potential imperfections when interacting with unitary evolution. There is only a paradox for the evolution if the overlap of CR and CV qubits with the final projected state |ϕ is virtually 0$.

When the operator J is equivalent to a null operator in which case the system assumes the evolution did not happen. This result is an unstable oddity in the system and leads to the meltdown. It suggests that the system interacting with its P-CTC circuits is destroyed. The unitary interaction between the CR qubit & half the entangled state. The final step is to projecting the two systems of the entangled state onto |ϕ, renormalize trace out the system. The renormalization then induces a nonlinearity an emulation of a soliton stream in evolution

The assumption is that this evolution is mathematically equivalent to combining the state ρ with a maximally entangled Bell State |ϕ. The P-CTC circuit works combining (CR) qubits in a state ρ with a chronology-violating (CV) qubit and interacting them through unitary evolution. After the unitary the chronology-respecting qubit proceeds forward in time while the chronology-violating qubit goes back in time.

The result of state distinguishability results in harmonization of the entire renormalization process, and suggest profound implications.The P-CTC is inherently a simple circuit, but is governed by more complex mathematics. The P-CTC-equipped computer is capable of perfectly distinguishing an arbitrary set of non-orthogonal states; the discontinuous functions of the initial state can purify mixed qubit states in order to traverse the circuit while still remaining consistent, just like the D-CTC.

Emulating "apotheosis" that J achieved. We was the foundation of an "artificial apotheosis." The solutions to and injections of exact Einstein wave function equations very similar to the Schrödinger wave functions in attractors are (P-CTC) parameter circuits. Research papers on the theoretical framework is very sparse. The derelict was enough for a worthless NET like me to build one with spare money and time. It's not so easy anymore to build a computer from memory of the same calibre as Aristotle is massively daunting.

The consolidation of research powers at the OA & CERN, shows the indictment of quantum psychological experiments carried in the former two and the construction of the worldwide ECHELON SYSTEM-S in the latter three. This consolidation is all carefully guided under autonomous dead-end bureaucracies cleverly masquerading as empty seats of miniscule authority. In reality, these bureaucracies, commonly referred by the suspecting as a Invisible Ruler and have gained enormous leverage and control over the political, financial, and social affairs of the world. Their reach extends even to the state enforcement of so-called sovereign nations one would attempt to seek asylum. By the year 2000, very few routes of escape exist, and CAIMEO remains an active, lurking entity.

The name was chosen for practical and symbolic terms: on bureaucratic paper, it exists solely as a silly scientific pursuit with absurd grants. In symbolism, that original pursuit involved the element of time of which the current authority has weaponised. The name, of course, is just as ironically fitting. The elite security for CAIMEO, are above scrutiny of actual posed military or local auxiliary. Rather, they are the enforcers for the primary actions of their employers and are not particularly identifiable; as a technically nonexistent authoritative entity, they are more-or-less "ordinary" individuals selected and recruited. However, their expertise in the matters of CAIMEO are undeniable and cannot be mocked. They are a lethal threat with absolutely no legal obligations.

Specifically, these "enforcers" contain an even more powerful minority. Whereas the majority can rely on firearms and physical intimidation, a small minority is specifically appointed by J for their special capabilities. So close is this relation to the minority that even parts of the Committee are themselves. This minority is the glimpse of dystopia. If the world should become tumultuous, if the sleeping beast of conspiracy should slur from slumber, if anything should panic its furtive conspirators you will be greeted with an unimaginable display of future oppression and abject terror granted solely by the science of mankind.

I made a decision that has become unavoidable. There isn’t a bit of selfishness in it, but I realize what trouble my sudden disappearance will cause you and the students. For this as well, I beg your forgiveness, but especially for betraying the trust, the sincere friendship and the sympathy you gave me over the past months. I ask you to remind me to all those I learned to know and appreciate in your Institute, especially Sciuti. I will keep a fond memory of them all at least until 11 pm tonight, possibly later too.


ECHELON was born from the remnants of the Manhattan Project and the Tube Alloys following the potential shift of 1941-12-07. In this new world—SYSTEM-S is undergoing rapid development and construction with an estimated completion of 2012, two years off the derelict.

CAIMEO is the consequence of the grand unification theory proposed by the scientific minds under the OA, who have subverted any noble pursuits of knowledge in exchange for immense leverage over any blossoming ideas of the freedom of information. Instead, their labours have been carefully levied by that ruler in order to produce a weapon of such massive "universal architecture" that it has completely harmonized and subsequently leveled the very laws of physics that created it. With the theory abandoned and the Report serving as the new theoretical basis for SYSTEM-S, the name of OA becomes quite literal in the fullest sense.

The OA first introduces the concept of the magnetospheric array necessary to induce attractors and begin wide-scale illusion imaging. Application use a variety of aero-spacecraft in studying and manipulating the natural macroscopic boundaries that are also seen on a quantum level. This is the only instance which they have of an exact description of a macroscopic object. Macroscopic objects, as we see them all around us, are governed by a variety of forces, derived from a variety of approximations to a variety of physical theories.

The Magnetosphere is analogous to the magnetic-driving regime of the superlocalized micro-strange attractors found in qubits. The technology to engineer on such a small scale was not yet possible however, extrapolating to astronomical observation and manipulation a planetary mass to replicate the effect was.

Know that quantum phenomena and the macroscopic world are interchangeable in ways the inbetween of humanity cannot bear to witness. If one is unable to sustain any reactions on a small scale, then it is only a matter of power and resources to rescale it higher. With a diluting geosphere of various satellites in the thousands and spacejunk in the tens of thousands, launching and preparing the magnetospheric array to begin system tests was easy.

"We now present the heuristics of the worldwide satellite link between five eyes."

Pandora's Wa-box - (Greek myth) Zeus sealed all evil and evil, A box that Pandora that goes to the human world gave it. Because Pandora opened this from curiosity, The so-called guilt and disaster came out, the human race began to be miserable, only hope was the bottom of the box.

PROMIS 接続を作る QUANTUM BLAST PROCESSING でスーパーソニックエメラルドでカオス Magick のマインドコントロールで作った LION Meme

Self-inflicted Divergence starvation begins to maximize whiteout conditions of Final geographical perimeter check at 24 attractor event location gravitation.

40.71312,-74.01262 18:00 GMT-05:00 TO 04:00 GMT-05:00
deri[0] = psi * ( position[ 1 ] - position[ 0 ] );
deri[1] =( r + position[ 2 ] ) * position[ 0 ] - position[ 1 ];
deri[2] = -position[ 0 ] * position[ 1 ] - b * position[ 2 ];

Semi-final computations of gamma , Extends systems links created for 大切な仲間 to find key. Entanglement Renormalization for Quantum Fields makes Falsified documents shipped. Final review of perimeters with photographs of computations of gamma gravitation.Results accurate in Final renormalization visualizer log drafted for 24 event.


We have an obligation to accuse our brothers of those who acted in opposition. Even today our brothers, at their own risk, to their apostates and associates. I have an obligation to accuse an employee who took actions to oppose it,
Even in our kingdom that dominates the world, all my subjects are obliged to serve the state. Such an organization is the authority to abuse authority power and bribery, Using dense plans, using the super-human-like theory of human beings, we planted in Goheim. It will eradicate all of the bad habits. Seventeen. When establishing our kingdom all existing secret societies will be dissolved To this end, we oppose the arrival of our kingdom and unwillingly take weapons (hands). Murder every single person without mercy. Formation of all kinds of new groups similar to secret societies. Take it with death. Existing secret societies we acknowledge are also helpful. Even the things that have happened will be broken up in proportion and expelled to distant regions far from Europe. not really. He also takes care of the same treatment to Masonic members of Goi who knew too much about the circumstances. For some reason. Even those who did not take this action are threatened with the fear of expulsion. Our support From Europe that is the center of distribution, we prepare and promulgate a law that expels all secret society members. We can not change this decision, we do not allow appeals to this.

Silence weapons are the same type of weapon as bacterial warfare weapons and same type as bacterial warfare weapons. If it is the source of energy of nature and society so Understand, understand, manipulate, and attack the physical, mental and emotional strengths and weaknesses of the public. By doing so, we attack each individual's vitality, choice freedom and liquidity. Silent weapons have been the growth of the idea of ​​the original Rothschild. "Make yourself control the national currency. That's not to know who is going to make a law. " Mayer Amshel Rothschild (1743 - 1812)

Automation of society is impossible without enslavement and planned mass killing. Social control and destruction of human life, in other words, slavery and planned mass killing. Without including the vast goals, it is necessary for social engineering in one country or worldwide. Social automation, that is, social automation system (silent soldier It is impossible to argue.) Confidentiality

Silence Weapons is the Declaration of War on World War III. This publication [weapons of silence] was fought with "weapons of silence", which closely resembled bacterial warfare In commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Third World War called "quiet war" to fight the war. It was done. This document contains an introduction to war, its strategy and weapons Are stored. Thank you for boarding

The quiet war was declared war by the international elite in 1954 and was by the international elite in 1954. Although the silent weapons system [computer] was exposed after almost 13 years late, With the advent of this new weapons system, there was no incidence of serious rash. This small. The booklet commemorates the twenty-fifth anniversary of the quiet war. Already this domestic war is a lot of worldwide. I have made many victories on the front.

For the future world order, peace, well-being, secretly a quiet war against Americans it is a Secretly quiet war against
the vast majority of human beings who are childish and not capable of handling gifts, nature and society's energy (wealth) Study to permanently transfer self-training to the hands of minorities who are capable of accumulating and respecting respect. Make it a pole target.

Features of 'silence weapons' is that technology can also be used as an ideal reform proposal for the public. People who are in a position to exercise their influence in 1954, when the general public went to bed of pre-emptive power It is only a matter of time that within a few decades it is the time to put your hands on and turn over. I understood enough. Because the composition of the new silent weapons technology. The element is accepted as an ideal reform plan of confidentiality, and likewise, as an ideal reform proposal of the public It is a thing to pass.

Develop a new weapon that seems to be beneficial to them in the eyes of the public. In order to reach this goal, ultimately, the principle of operation is extremely sophisticated and sophisticated In the eyes of the public it seems that it will be for themselves, its name is "weapons of silence". It was necessary to develop, secure and apply a group of new weapons to call. In conclusion, The subjects to be investigated are the owner of the capital (banking industry), the commodity industry (commodity) and the service [note · straight It is a fully predictable and operable san that is operated by labor other than in-contact production It is a completed system.

Everything you expect from regular weapons can be expected for silent weapons. Developers of silent weapons, in terms of how to function exclusively, I expect everything I expect from silent weapons. It's a bank instead of a general. Instead of a sniper, a computer programmer replaces a gun. Instead of a chemical reaction (explosion) due to data generated to replace the explosive from the computer. Promote data processing to shoot, shoot the situation to replace bullets. It is an explosive explosion. It does not accompany sound. Someone's day without obviously causing physical or mental damage. There is no obstacle to interfere with their lives. Moreover, it obviously generates "noise" . Obviously physically or mentally damaging, obviously obstructing daily social life. It is obvious to a skilled observer who knows what you are asking for.

The masses can not believe that this weapon is attacked. The masses can not understand this weapon and believe that it is attacked by weapons and conquered and can not be helped. The masses feel instinctively that something bad is going on, but silence because of the technical nature of weapons, expressing what they feel in a rational way. I can not handle problems with intelligence, I can not. Therefore, they ask for help. I do not understand how to give up, I understand how to cooperate with others to protect myself against silent weapons Absent. When the weapons of silence slowly attack the masses, the masses (psychological pressure through the economy) Until urgency got so big and misunderstood, I adapted myself to the existence of weapons, Learn to endure erosion to life.

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