Heaven on Earth is possible! My Introduction

Hello to everyone here riding the Steem wave - my name is Adrian and I have put off this introduction for far too long.

In short, I am here because I want to make a difference in this world. About 10 years ago I had a big wake up call in my life and realized that there is much suffering in this world, and that I am equal to all other human beings in this world in terms of being responsible and having the ability to make a change that would be best for all life on earth. I discovered that our oneness and our equality was the only real thing that was valid as a starting point/guideline for how we are to create a better world that is best for all life.

The most effective tools I have found to change myself and give myself the strength, courage and right to stand up for life was SELF HONESTY and SELF FORGIVENESS, where, within self honesty I check myself to see who I really am in this reality and if I am standing as one and equal to life in fact, and when I see that I am not HONoring life in self HONesty, I do self forgiveness for what I have accepted and allowed myself to believe, think, do and become. With these simple tools I found that the entire world could change as these tools are truly the only tools that are universally capable by all humans on earth and places the directive principle in the hands of the very creator - self.

Now keep in mind I really am just a regular dude, I have no special training, knowledge, abilities or background, I simply saw something that I could make a real difference with.

Just like Steemit.

I have been an avid blogger, sharing my daily process of self change and whatever other insights and support I am able to share, and so I see tremendous value in a network like Steemit, a platform that allocates value where it exists! And who decides? Each one of us does! What a great idea for a social network: incentivize people to actually better themselves and contribute real value to a community - even if it is something as simple as an idea or an insight.

From my perspective, life is simple, but we humans have quite a way of over-complicating things and then adding layer upon layer of complications to that. And that is the situation we seem to find ourselves in here on earth - all of the knowledge in the world but not a whole lot of unity or direction as to where to go. We have a countless number of man-made divisions - religions, nations, culture and other forms of divisive groupings. But if we really look at the simple facts:

We are all just humans
We are all here on earth, living on earth, sharing the earth
We all have basic needs and requirements
We all want to live
We all want to express
We all want to be free
We all want to love and care
We all want a satisfied and fulfilled life

And we all go through life experiences and become the characters that we do based on those experiences.....but let us not forget that we come from the same source!

There is nothing more than I would LOVE to see than for every single being on planet earth to live without fear of another being. Nothing brings me more joy than to see a pure, fulfilled individual who is really living and expressing the life essence that they are - that we all are.

Within this I do not have any picturesque 'ideals' or 'goals' per say - not even necessarily a clear path to how this will be realized - I only know that it is who we really are, LIFE is who we really are, and it is an inevitable certainty that this will be realized - despite all of the evidence that tells otherwise, despite all the mistakes we have made, because as the saying goes "life always finds a way".



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