
So somebody including my pops have been asking me about my TOP 5 qualities in a woman. Personally I apparently have a problem with that question but I am just realising it. Anyways, subconsciously I have a list, consciously I love all women as God made them, probably the best work he made ps I dont need reasons to like you. NB in my book, like means a hell lot since ''love'' has no share in the house of Majak, to your tent ow loving thought.

I havent spoken to my subconscious mind in a bit so whatever I am saying is hearsay and I have plausible deniability.

*1st on my subconscious list:
Love for God. Did you just ask yourself if I did? Why would I want something am not?? Dont be a hater sir, just ask me and I will answer, besides my line of thought doesnt require you to go to church to fear God, everybody fears a ''God'' especially the one they can see ''vala morgulez'' the death god, however Love for God is special. Dont even remind me, ''Cliche'' I keep looking for things I banish from thought, its just like believing there is no heaven then asking where you want to spend eternity. Now am going religiously philosophical, dont blame me. Sunday school made a mark in the right place.

2nd. Hospitable.
My Idea of hospitable is just like that in the bible, we dont have to know an angel to offer him water, personally I dont even offer people water, my sister does that. Ow I might have made this one on top of my list because I went to a newly weds house and the new wife was chatting on her BB, I was thirsty and the fridge was right beside me. Annoyingly enough the rain kept me there for 30 minutes, the worst wasnt being desert thirsty, it was siting down there in awkard silence unhappy, bored and thirsty.

3, FOOD.
Ya well I dont look the part that can eat but believe me under the right circumstances I am the right fellow to invite to an elephant eating competition. NB Majakson does not cook, his elder brother and younger onces do that and he eats. Dont even ask me how I am surviving, we just thank God tea was invented in our age.

  1. Intelligence.
    Everybody loves an intelligent woman, besides I said intelligent not educated. We all enjoy conversations that just bounce of and get so exciting you forget the main crux ie starting from a mexican sitcom that has no guns, drug smuggling through US lines or a real mexican stand off, ow sorry the ones I was thinking they liked watching was the spaniards going all ''Allesandro my baby, Camila my love'' ermmmm I am sure you get the idea. Sapiosexuality, bibliobibulis and logophiles. #Winks.

  2. It should be beauty but that spot is in contention. First off, beauty is in the eyes, I like slim girls with long legs, I also like chubby girls with big eyes and big everything, if you know what i means. Since beauty is in the eye of the beholder and my tastes are just disproportionate in a matter of speaking, then its safe to say that the theory of beauty being in the eyes is a falacy, I am the exception to the rule or I am just bloody damn cross eyed.

Anyways, there goes my Top5, looking at this closely I am tempted to delete it but then a professor once said to me

''...if you want to keep a secret, write it down. Very few people like reading, those who do, do so to pass not to learn'' #SecretInformattionRevealing.
He saw me reading ''Thus spoke Zarahustra'' Friedrick Nietzsche

Almost forgot my new found signature mark.
This is Majakson (I like this part, it adds a ring to it) subconscious TOP 5, subject to change & totally deniability.

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