Writing a post by phone | A Quick rundown on qiibee (QBX)

This post is made solely by phone and iam still new so this post will be limited to 99.99% original content meaning, Also what i see on my phone might differ from other devices especially since this has no request desktop function or iam just really lazy


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From what i read from their FAQ is that qiibee is a blochain loyalty program meaning its like a payer system but instead of using globaly used government currencys like the $,¥,£,€,₱ in which are "Stable" in contrast to whatPaypal uses, qiibee uses tokens.

  • qiibee tokens (QBX) are simmilar to crypto-currencys but what happens is that the cash you deposited with real money can change in value based on the block-chain meaning the price per qiibee token (QBX) can fluctuate.

  • Say it again with me qiibee is a block-chain loyalty program that offers loyalty contracts, in simple terms the price of the qiibee tokens can be manipulated by the the fluctuations by other crypto-currencys stock price, for example what do you think will happen if all the crypto-currencys that qiibee has already offered loyalty contracts to some how quadripled in stock price or what happens if (QBX) becomes a universal cryptocurrency what do you think will happen? 2-things either a surge in price like what uber did or the qiibee market crashes.

Even though its promising a further connection than what paypal can ever reach as a stable payer system my advise to people who are really interested is to wait until QBX becomes available to trade in trading platforms like bittrex so you can take as much advantage on this ever sweetning deal.

-Thats all thanks for reading this long and boring post.


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