Qiibee ICO

I welcome cryptocommunity! Today we will consider the interesting and perspective Qiibee project. What is Qiibee? It is the decentralized platform for preparation and introduction of successful programs of loyalty for business and buyers.
What is Loyalty? Loyalty (фр. loyal — true):
Loyalty — commitment to the ideas and ideals of public institutes.
Loyalty — fidelity to current laws, resolutions of authorities (sometimes only formal, external).
Loyalty — the correct, reliable attitude towards someone or to something.
Consumer loyalty, loyalty to a brand — the commitment of buyers to a trademark motivated with strongly taken roots habit to buy the same product, goods or to use the same service, an also immunity to the goods price, rejection of an alternative.
Loyalty of the employee — desire to follow the established rules of conduct in firm, value, standards of behavior
The system of loyalty is a complete and coordinated complex of programs of loyalty directed to concrete segments of clients and buyers through a certain complex of communications and system of indicators of efficiency which is followed by a separate technological and analytical platform and personnel for the purpose of increase in profitability of the company by attraction new and deduction of the existing clients and buyers.

The loyalty program of clients still remain a riddle for most the companies in different sectors. In most cases the main attention is paid to acquisition of new clients, but not work on preservation of already existing clients. Besides, receiving new clients is usually more expensive as marketing and advertizing allow to gain the huge volume of income which will earn business. It means that the result will lead to what you will get new at the price which can be financial or finally lose previous.

So, how you hold the clients? First, there has to be a good reason that the client continued to come back. For this reason application creation of the loyalty program becomes necessary. And if your business really loves use of a kriptovalyutnost, then the following review of appendices with a binding to a chain can help you to make changes to deduction of your clients.

Today we will consider consumer loyalty and system of loyalty of brands.

Questions of assessment of economic efficiency were always considered in total with social efficiency that predetermined development of the theory of social and economic efficiency. This approach is used in the theory of marketing for assessment of efficiency of marketing costs of development of a brand. According to the theory of assessment of efficiency of marketing, distinguish economic, communicative and psychological efficiency of marketing, and also social effects of marketing activity. In practice of marketing activity there are traditional methods of assessment of efficiency of marketing communications, including advertizing and branding. Problems of assessment of efficiency of marketing communications, in particular branding, are discussed by many domestic and foreign scientists.
Indicators by means of which it is possible to give a conditional assessment of effect of advertizing:
the cost of bringing advertizing to one individual from target group
the percent of target group of influence falling on unit of monetary expenses
the number of persons from among the interviewed buyers who called motive of purchase a concrete type of advertizing, etc.
The system of indicators for controlling of efficiency of branding has to include the following groups of indicators:
– indicators of the current economic efficiency of costs of branding
– indicators of communicative efficiency of costs of branding
– indicators of strategic efficiency of costs of branding
– indicators of comparative economic efficiency of costs of branding
As you could notice, the whole institutes work on art of high-quality and profitable branding, separate disciplines on creation of high-quality marketing of the companies are studied! Today the single companies are engaged in the qualified and high-quality branding. The others are memlky or local PR-companies which do not take leading places in the market! If the developer of goods or service has no opportunity to get qualitative analysts and producers in the field of branding how it can arrive? The decentralized system Blokcheyn gives the answer to this question!

What is "Qiibee"?

The mission of the Qiibee project - to create a loyalty ecosystem to hundreds of brands serving thousands of clients. The Qiibee platform created on the basis of Blokcheyn will be the irreplaceable assistant in management of programs of loyalty of clients with complete control of process of production. Besides providing the protected protocol, "Qiibee" offers the whole set of the software which in many respects will reduce time and resources for creation of high-quality marketing for advance of a brand of the companies of participants of a product. In other words, the Qiibee project creates the whole system of programs of loyalty of brands and the companies which can easily move in a platform, be edited and be applied to various projects of the companies and brands! Cooperation of "Qiibee" with the leading marketing agencies will allow to increase loyalty of the platform both to producers, and to final buyers, clients. We provide to loyal clients freedom of choice of a brand or the company. Within an ecosystem of "Qiibee" clients will have complete control and transparency concerning the programs of loyalty and tokens of QBX. For all participants of a platform there is a bigger set of options for management of the programs of loyalty. On a row with it, each client can leave system at any time. The opportunity of participation in the auction in the crypto exchanges is given, using instead of "fiatny" assets внутренню platform currency (QBX tokens).
Having created effective and public system of loyalty "Qiibee" seeks to make this project the best for producers of brands and clients!

The ecosystem of loyalty of Qiibee will consist of three layers:

  • Clients, get access to the user interface with various programs of loyalty from where they can earn or interact with the enterprises.
  • The decentralized layer of the Loyalty appendix consists of a purse of Qiibee, exchange and digital currency of QBX.
  • The bridge layer connects an appendix layer with a block chain and consists of a platform and set for development of process of tokenization.
  • Blockchain layer forms a kernel ​​ ecosystems through Ethereum chain.

Advantages of Qiibee Blockchain:

  • Safety. Owners and clients of appendices do not need to worry about data security problems as the database uses structure of Ethereum for safety.
  • Simplicity convenient set of the developer allows the owner of the appendix tool kit for creation of the appendices with the minimum efforts.
  • Economy instead of spending the resources, you can invest in the Qiibee platform to lower costs of acquisition of the client.
  • Consumers will receive more interest, trying to earn more tokens.
  • Possession and control of data - each user has powers for viewing of any transaction which happens in an ecosystem.
  • Real return from the cost of QBX has public benefit, and clients can redeem a token for cryptocurrency or currency Fiat.

Qiibee QBX ICO.

The coin of QBX is compatible to ERC20 and is constructed on the Ethereum Blockchain block. Qiibee makes all efforts to finish both design of tokens, and economy. This document contains no information on dates of the ICO company from the moment of writing of this article. You can often check the website for existence of updates.

Always there is a basic risk which connects loss or a manipulation given within programs of loyalty. The concept of Qiibee for decentralization of programs of remunerations can make it excellent option, helping to cut down the majority of expenses with safety and data management. Besides, Qiibee can help to eliminate risk of the attack or manipulation from malefactors of the third parties. In the assumption, Qiibee can help your business grow in the opportunities of deduction of clients, providing active community, support service and API to provide you more convenient integration of your programs of promotion of loyalty.

Perspective opportunities for all participants of the market

For most of representatives of business of an opportunity and prospect of programs of loyalty remain the real riddle so far. Business does quite often main rate on involvement of new buyers, incurring the corresponding expenses of time, forces and means. However data of researches confirm – the main part of the income and the base for development of business are created by his regular customers.

Advantage of work with regular loyal customers consists not only in regular, stable sales, but also in decrease in the general costs of customer acquisition and the joint operational costs.

The Qiibee project suggests business to establish direct, effective cooperation with the regular customers. At the heart of such result the solution of characteristic tasks and consideration of key questions for successful development of business:

  • An opportunity to pick up the suitable reasons and the bases for return of clients to shop or to a trademark.

  • Ample opportunities of assessment of efficiency and improvement of the loyalty program under tasks and priorities of the business.

  • Wide choice of advertizing and partner interactions with other participants of the market.

Receiving powerful and useful feedback from regular customers of shop, with effective opportunities of improvement of the services and offers in the market for success of a trademark in the market.

The confirmed advantages of system – ambitious prospects of world success

The platform is developed by the famous team of developers and consultants taking into account specifics and the existing problems of branch. All characteristic problems which regularly arise in activity of many world brands, representatives of business and directly buyers to work with various programs of loyalty were attentively sorted.

  • Brands face quite high expenses and difficulties for involvement of new clients, rather weak involvement and level of repayment. At the same time pending obligations and operational risks remain at the high level that together with weak efficiency can create a serious barrier to stable work and development of business.

  • High fragmentation of the market of programs of loyalty becomes already serious problem for buyers in the modern world market. Also clients of business face the weak level of usability of sales outlets, lack of universality of collected points – because of a ability on one trademark or shop they lose actual value for buyers.

  • Lack of confidence in absolute safety of data, protection against access and unauthorzsed use of information by third parties.

Data of researches and independent estimates confirm that author's approaches and modern algorithms of system allow to solve similar problems successfully.

The confirmed prospects of a brand – a possibility of successful development

  • At the disposal of each business and a trademark there is a broad functionality for work and the solution of the tasks. Including there is an opportunity to use various checked, effective templates of programs of loyalty – under the sphere and specifics of the activity, the selected budget and other criteria.

  • The adjusted principles of effective interaction between participants of the market. The prospects of successful development of a brand, with estimation of successful decisions and approaches of other participants of the market, improving perspective partnership and interaction.

  • A wide choice of tools and opportunities for assessment of success, efficiency of the prepared programs of loyalty, with definition of the most effective and rational strategy of work at the minimum costs.

  • General reduction of necessary expenses of time and means, operational costs and possible risks.

The confirmed prospects of system for clients and buyers in the world market

  • Access to all programs of loyalty, with assessment of available offers and bonus programs in all world market.

  • The most rational use of the saved-up points, with favorable terms of the exchange them.

  • Earnings of actual cost on sale of the saved-up points for cash money or currencies crypto.

  • Guarantee of protection of personal data and the assets thanks to advantages of technologies блокчейн and smart-contracts.

Key features of work of system for buyers:

  • Convenient opportunities of control and assessment of the saved-up points and various means in different programs of loyalty. As before, the possibility of convenient and bystry use of the saved-up means remains.

  • Wide choice of attractive transactions with programs of loyalty. Including convenient opportunities of their exchange, transfer or favorable sale.

  • Large ecosystem and stable payments to buyers, possibility of participation in personal conditions and favorable bonus programs for buyers.

Modern format of an ecosystem and the confirmed prospects of development of system

Ample opportunities of the choice of the suitable loyalty program under preferences of business and buyers.

  • Work with the decentralized appendices and the powerful payment tool on the basis of the LoyaltyToken protocol with a guarantee of bystry and safe carrying out transactions.

  • Considerable decrease in the general expenditure and resources on creation of demanded tokens.

  • Work with introduction of advantages of Ethereum, technologies блокчейн and smart contracts.

  • Security guarantee of personal data, with modern standards of protection against unauthorized access and use by third parties.

Internal tokens of Qiibee and the confirmed project potential

For work of the project the internal token developed on the basis of the ERC20 standard with a security guarantee and the high speed of transactions will be used. The token presented in a platform will act as the universal payment tool for payment of goods and services on attractive conditions, investments, purchase of services, forming of partnership.

The allocated tokens of system will be distributed as follows:

  • 51% - for realization at different stages of sale of coins.

  • 30% - on formation of an ecosystem of the project.

  • 14% of tokens are intended for authors and consultants of the project.

  • 5% - are directed to formation of partnership and development of the bounty program.

Distribution of the funds raised at sale of tokens:

  • 49% - for development of a technical component and functionality of a perspective platform.

  • 26% - on the solution of business challenges.

  • 10% - carrying out researches and training, identification of further prospects of development of system.

  • 14% - the solution of marketing questions.

  • 1% - legal issues and operational expenses.


There is enough ин the teresny and perspective project with the new idea. The strong team, progressive technology and the urgent help for world economy allowed the project to draw already deserved attention of independent experts and investors.

Detailed information:

Website: https://tokensale.qiibee.com
Technical documentation: https://static.qiibee.com/qiibee-White-Paper.pdf
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/qiibee
Twitter: https://twitter.com/qiibee? lang=en
Telegram: https://t.me/qiibee
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/qiibee
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/qiibee-ag

Bitcointalk Username: sestan

Bitcointalk Profile https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1328000

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