Who Is Q?


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Previous posts:
Deep Throat v. Q
Q The Conspiracy - A Phenomenon
The Gospel According To Q
A-Marketing We Will Q
The Name Of The Q
Q The LARP Carp
Spe-Q-lating On Q
In The Twilight Of The Q
Jonesing For Q
Analyzing Q-Analysis
The Silence of the Q
The Q Prophesy
To Q Or Not To Q
A Quantum Of Q-Bit
Surfing the Q Wave
Q Tips And Quislings
Some Quick Q
The Q Treason
Q The Endgame
Right On Q?
Q The God-Emperor

We believe that we can now reveal who/what Q is, who operates it, what its goals are, how it intends to achieve those goals, and what the legal basis is for justifying its operation. These are bold claims, given the muddy waters around Q's genesis and identity, but we submit that the public information available backs up our contentions in as factual a manner as is possible in the current situation.

In April 1980, then-president Jimmy Carter approved Operation Eagle Claw, a failed Army rescue attempt to free the captive US embassy staff in Iran. This event was widely seen as a catalyst for the Ronald Reagan campaign, and internally as the impetus to merge the intelligence operations of the US military branches.

The failure was attributed to a lack of coordination between the various military branches, and this eventually led to the creation of the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) in 1987, which is headquartered at McDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida, USA.

In March of 2015, Lt. Gen. Kenneth E. Tovo, then commander of the United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC), submitted a written statement to the Congressional Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, delivered by Gen. John F. Kelly. This is the same Gen. Kelly who served as Donald Trump's White House Chief of Staff until January 2019.

This Statement is interesting for the brief insight it brings to the current situation in Venezuela, as well as the Drug War justifications for the infamous Trump Wall. However, we will focus here on statements regarding the use of psy-ops to sway public opinion, ostensibly in foreign countries, but there is no reason to limit the scope.

In the statement, Tovo detailed some of the USSOCOM operations, including its psy-op efforts, now called MISOs, or Military Information Support Operations. To quote Tovo:

"Military Information Support Operations: SOCSOUTH maintained military information support teams in six key partner nations supporting Colombia’s Demobilization and Counter-Recruitment Programs, Guatemalan Interagency Task Forces, Panamanian security services’ outreach programs in the Darien border region, the DoD Rewards Program, U.S. Government Anti-Trafficking in Persons efforts, and expanded active tip lines to under-governed spaces. These activities supported a broad range of efforts against transnational organized criminal and violent extremist organizations.

"Intelligence Analytical Support to US Country Teams: SOCSOUTH provides intelligence and counter-thrupport to U.S. Country Teams focusing on terrorism, human smuggling networks, and transnational organized crime. In Belize, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras, SOCSOUTH helped develop host nation capabilities and country team support through a number of subject matter exchanges, and mentored them in institutionalizing intelligence pipelines."

The 2018 budget overview for US military operations and maintenance lists a budget of US$160 million for MISOs, which are defined as:

“operations to convey selected information and indicators to foreign audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of foreign governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.”

This clearly establishes MISOs (psy-ops) as factual, and provides strong evidence that human and drug trafficking are justifications for using MISOs on a population, or in other words, the "legal basis" for these types of operations.

Anyone who has kept up with the Qniverse knows that human and drug trafficking are common themes throughout Q Drops and Qvian commentary. We thus conclude that Q has a legal basis for operating, at least as far as its internal logic would provide.

According to Congressional testimony in 2015, the US military had 1,050 officers on active psy-op duty, which includes propaganda, counterintelligence and related operations.

The Epoch Times quoted Green Beret Chris Ericksen (ret) as saying, “[You have to] understand your populace, what resonates with them, and how best, effectively, to deliver the message to them and counter the messaging of the opposition."

In April of 2018, Lt. Gen. Tovo told the US Senate Armed Services Committee, “We have invested fairly heavily in our psy-op operators, developing new capabilities, particularly to deal in the digital space, social media analysis and a variety of different tools that have been fielded by SOCOM that allow us to evaluate the social media space, evaluate the cyber domain, see trend analysis, where opinion is moving, and then how to potentially influence that environment with our own products."

It should be noted here that Tovo has just defined q-analysis, which we have covered extensively in previous posts.

This brings us to the US State Department's Global Engagement Center (GEC). Established by Congress in 2017, the GEC's stated goals on its website are to “lead, synchronize, and coordinate efforts of the Federal Government to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United States national security interests.”

In other words, GEC's goals are to control the narrative and establish counter-narratives. This is, by Q's own statements, what it is doing.

The Epoch Times article quotes an unnamed State Department source as saying:

“This funding is supporting a variety of efforts to counter Russian, Iranian, and Chinese disinformation directed to foreign audiences,” the official said.

The center conducts audience analysis, employs online targeted advertising, deploys “technology to provide early warnings of foreign disinformation,” analyzes foreign audiences that are “most susceptible to disinformation,” develops partnerships with “key social media influencers abroad to produce content to reach critical audiences,” and trains civil society organizations, NGOs, local influencers, and journalists “to shed light on and help build audience resilience to the spread of disinformation."

That the GEC is a function of the State Department places it in direct command and control of the White House, and though it is a civilian agency, it has deep ties by its charter to military intelligence agencies, including USSOCOM, and is apparently independent of the NSA and CIA, which are the more "traditional" agencies involved in intel gathering and propaganda, as well as in direct chain of command to the White House.

We now turn to Q, which has claimed on numerous occasions to be aligned with military intelligence, and has established an adversarial relationship with the CIA, which it refers to as "the Clowns" and the "C_A," which we interpret to be a slight against the "intelligence" of the agency.

Q has also gone to great lengths to establish "Q Proofs". These are various links widely interpreted by Qvians as proving that Q and Trump are closely aligned and working together.

Q Proofs include "zero delta" time stamps between Q Drops and Trump Tweets. The implication among Qvians is that when Q and Trump post related messages with near-simultaneous time stamps, it is "proof" that Q and Trump coordinate messaging across 8chan and Twitter.

Q uses two outlets in 8chan, one that it exclusively posts to and is considered the "official" Q Drop location, and the other that allows "Anons" to add their comments and research. The Proofs use only @realDonaldTrump for time-stamp comparison.

Though open to additional information, we contend that Q has shown sufficient evidence of proximity to and coordination with Trump. Not only do the "zero delta" time stamps provide conclusive evidence, but parallel messaging in recent weeks - especially concerning vote fraud - show a close alignment between Trump and the Q entity.

We thus dismiss claims that Q is a "live-action role play" (LARP), and other similar proposals. We also find some of the information provided in Q Drops to be of sufficient quality to assume (for now) that Q has access to high-level, military-grade intel.

It is therefore reasonable to conclude that Q/Trump are real entities performing a real psy-op/MISO on both domestic and foreign audiences. What remains is to conclusively identify who/what is running Q and for what reasons.

Given the foregoing information, we submit that Q is a function of the GEC, working in tandem with USSOCOM to counter the narrative put out by the various mass media outlets, collectively called the MSM, which are a function of the CIA/NSA, commonly referred to as "The Deep State".

It is a matter of public record that the CIA ran Operation Mockingbird in the 1960s, to counter anti-war forces in the US that were having a detrimental effect on the Vietnam War, and other foreign entanglements. Though Mockingbird was eventually exposed and shut down, there is no reason to assume that similar operations have not been ongoing over the years. A variety of researchers have shown startling evidence of these operations, including Texe and Jim Marrs, and many others.

It is also reasonable to assume that the Trump Administration views various aspects and individuals within the US federal government as adversarial to its agenda, as well as national security. Anyone who has paid the least bit of attention to the MSM over the past three years can easily see why this would be so. The "Russia collusion" narrative is but the most visible of these attempts to undermine Trump's presidency, and the statements of numerous opposition figures sets a highly adversarial tone.

It therefore stands to reason that Trump would want to use every tool available to him to subvert the MSM and his opponents, and appeal directly to his presumed audiences using social media and other digital information tools.

As we have shown, the GEC is a function of the State Department, which is one of the most powerful offices in the Executive Branch, and its stated function is to manipulate information to insert its "products" into the general public consciousness. Though it states that it targets foreign entities, there is ample reason to suspect that the term "foreign" can be legally interpretted to include domestic audiences.

The reasoning here is that the "United States of America" is a corporation, set up in the late 1800s as a sovereign entity. Through torturous legal windings, many researchers have shown that the US federal government can and does consider US citizens as foreign agents. A careful reading of the United States Code (USC) establishes this fact, thus making it "legal" to conduct psy-ops on US citizens. "Moral," "Lawful" and "Constitutional" are separate and very tedious arguments.

If we apply the time-honored test of Motive, Means and Opportunity, we can clearly make the case that Q is a function of the White House to engineer and control public discourse.

Trump has the Motive to clear opposition from his administration in order to effect his agenda, as articulated repeatedly in his campaign and presidential speeches. He also wants to clear his name, which he considers to be a valuable marketing asset and a trademark of his commercial interests.

Trump clearly has the Means to do this, using the GEC and USSOCOM assets of the Executive Branch. By deploying all the digital tools and techniques developed as part of the military's counterintelligence efforts, he would be able to steer public opinion, by-passing the MSM gatekeepers and creating a counter-narrative using "thought leaders" within the social media to disseminate his message.

That Trump has the Opportunity is implied by his various appointments to Secretary of State, the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Having his picks running the GEC, and interpretting the legal foundation for using such tools within the US population, means that he has few barriers to deploying weaponized information tools to achieve his goals.

Q first appeared on 4chan in October of 2017, as an anonymous poster claiming that Hillary Clinton would be arrested within 24 hours, among other claims. Q later moved to 8chan, but continued making such broad and provocative claims, such as having direct knowledge of the time and date of Sen. John McCain's death.

That Q was able to become a global phenomenon from these simple beginnings implies a coordinated effort. Our presumption is that the Q Drops were picked up by various operatives within the GEC and propagated to key "thought leaders" on social media.

In our model, the GEC assets disseminating the Drops would be the Anons, or Apostles and Acolytes, as we refer to them. Their job is to embellish Q's information with "research," and propagate the information to the public without Q's "fingerprints" on it.

The nature of the Drops provoked immediate dispersion through social media and drew a willing audience to Q. Further manipulations caused the phenomenon to spread using "hubs" identified by q-analysis and social media mapping. The hubs were populated by willing and receptive audiences, who further spread the information throughout their networks.

Within three months of Q's first Drop, videos were appearing on YouTube and Twitter carried every word Q put out. Websites sprang up that listed Q Drops and Anon research and commentary. Other sites sprang up to track Proofs and further disseminate the messages.

As anyone who has attempted to make a name on the net will attest, it is not easy to generate millions of followers in less than a year, and especially without a coordinated media plan that includes expensive advertising, marketing and PR efforts.

The Commentators are rewarded with large followings (over 100,000 subs on average YouTube channels), and Q occasionally reports their efforts on 8chan, providing instant celebrity within the Qniverse. This provides a dopamine burst and positive reinforcement that helps lock in Q support networks.

Thus, it stands to reason that Q is a highly coordinated and planned effort. The ability to create Q falls within the scope and ability of the GEC, and its proximity to the White House makes it a handy tool for the president to achieve certain goals and objectives at an accelerated pace by by-passing the MSM and other established gatekeepers.

Further, according to public records, there are at least 1,050 people and millions of dollars to fund and operate Q, using the latest weaponized tools available to the military for propaganda and information control.

Q is provably a MISO, or psy-op, using the definitions available from public sources, including Congressional testimony and the GEC's website. It meets all the stated criteria and objectives to be a psy-op/MISO. The results that Q has generated are in line with a MISO, as well, achieving the implied goals given above. Finally, Q's own statements regarding its genesis are well within the scope and meaning of a MISO.

Whether one agrees or disagrees with the morality and legality of Q is a separate argument, which we have attempted in previous posts. The conclusions of those arguments does not affect the Who, What and Why of Q, as we have put forth here.

We are reasonably secure in our assertion that Q is operated, at least in great part, by the GEC, and likely includes the USSOCOM, as well. We are also reasonably convinced that Q is a MISO/psy-op by definition, and by Q's own admission that it uses disinformation as one of its tools.

It is our contention that Q is immoral, regardless of its legal basis. Any manipulation of the individual's mind using undisclosed tools and techniques, and without full disclosure of its origin and intent, is a profound violation of the individual's right to self-determination.

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