Qanon- A war centered in Syria but with parts in many sectors wages on

OK, so Syria is winning the fight, down to just a little bit of isis left, Trump says we're pulling out soon, and all of a sudden there are chemical weapons attacks!!! USA has to stay in the fight longer and regime change MUST HAPPEN. I dont' think those things are going to happen, but the chemical attack isn't gonna stick on Assad cause it would be a dumb fucking thing to do.

Anyway, what I think we're watching play out is a war between Deep State types, different factions, and it's happening on a variety of fronts, but it just doesn't have team uniform and state boundaries because the infiltrators are in just about every country and organization of importance imaginiable. The good news is that pedos are getting arrested left and right, which is one of the things the deep state is involved in. One piece I'm not positive about is are the peple in charge really on the same side as the American people. That'll take time to see play out, but the Clinton/Bush/Obama team seems to be getting it's ass handed to it, and currently whatever team McCain is playing for seems to be getting it's ass kicked too.

Am I an insider? No. Do I have special information? No. Do I study this stuff a lot? Yes. Am I presenting everything as factual? No. I am aggregating thoughts, stories and posts into one place so researchers don't all have to troll the internet for hours to find this shit. I'm not stating any of the below is true. I'm simply aggregating and presenting information that others have collected that I find interesting. Best of luck to those out there. Hopefully Q ain't a LARP and hopefully WWG1WGA.

"Is Q a larp?"

LARP means live action role play. People asking this or saying this think he/they are a fake. I hold that possibility as entirely possible. At the moment I think he's legit. He's exposing power players in the Deep State and outing human trafficking and pedo operations. The mainstream media has started putting hit pieces out on him. Pictures in the news and stateements by the President put in the realm of possible that Q is very real and very much an intel operative. Q is adament he/they are a force for good and the American people who elected the Trump team. We'll see. Gotta watch more things play out before I'm 100% committed to thinking they are 100% good guys, but for the moment they seem to be outting people and things that should be outed.

Qposts - Can find them here-

Q abbreviations- EH is Eric Holder

War in Syria- US didn't fire. Apparently Israel did

was Israel

Q shared this

This would be weird

General Thoughts on the World

JFK Jr assination lead to Hillary getting the NYC seat

JFK senior assination

If legit that isn't a turkey the elites are eating

McCain- Lots of stuff here

US lisence plate in the background? Evergreen trees

Connected to Tim Kaine!

Spider web is apparently USAID?

His wife runs the dentistry business

Is this a fake? I've seen it posted a ton, still waiting for a debunk like the Obama with a handgun in the Black Panthers pic


McCain talk on chemical attacks

This is a rep too- Kinzinger

Not sure where this fits in

Jimmy Kimmel (Hannity accuses of being a pedo) with Frank Giustra

Some interpretations

war for oil (I think there's more to this)


Trump asks RFK Jr. a known vaccine oppenent to chair commission on Vaccine safety

Comet Pizza a block from Beyond Borders

HRC dad tied to the Chicago Mob?


Disinfo? legit? Here's a concern, Q dismisses it

Funky party- Vallarie Jarret and Podesta

People on teh committee about facebook received donations from facebook

Rachel Chandler background story?

trying to kill himself before the pedo arrests kick in

People wearing Q

Some syria stuff is staged


Trump Tower Fire

Someone told me the Epstein fire pic was old. This story is dated April 7

British Intelligence types?

Obama behind attack?

McCain has been meetin in Syria for years. This story is dated 2013

Meeting thoughts

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